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[WIP] Feeding the Beast (first quest/companion mod)


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I ignored this thread when I first saw it. A lot of people post their ideas and the great story they are writing for their mods and never deliver. Yours look promising. I hope you do not give up.


I look forward to playing it.

Thanks for the comment, obowon. That's the exact reason why I posted it in the first place, because I know I tend to procrastinate. I figured having this thread here would encourage me to keep working on it. A lot of what I'm attempting is difficult, and writing the scripts correctly is challenging, but it's going well for the most part. Thanks again!

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Oh sweet christ, Elijah, you voiced the deranged clown for Someguy2000! (among others, of course)

Dude, your voice is incredible! How are you on my crappy mod page right now???


Seriously man, I'd love to have you as a voice actor. Your work is fantastic.

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Thanks man! It's not crappy at all.. You know every time I try to get to the clown my game crashes Lol

So you haven't gotten to do those fun little mini-games yet ;)

Anyways, thanks for the comment! I'll be sure to keep you in mind when I'm revising my VA roles.

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Wow, this seems really awesome! If you need a voice actor, I'd be glad to help out too. Even if I don't stack up compared to Elijah, damnit Elijah now you've set the standards too high! >:C

Thanks a ton, robberfox, I could definitely use the help when the time comes. As for specific voice roles (I'm not going to have too many, it'd be overwhelming as a first mod), I'll be posting up a revised list with as much non-spoiler-y info as possible pretty soon, so if you see someone you like, just give me shout! :P

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I've run into an issue in NifSkope. All I'm doing is adding a scarf to a vanilla armor, but the scarf needs to be repositioned slightly. It's not saving any of the changes, even when I apply, and I've turned the internet upside down looking for an answer. It's not a major issue, but I want this armor to happen. :/


If any NifSkope masters know the secret, I'd love to hear.

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I've run into an issue in NifSkope. All I'm doing is adding a scarf to a vanilla armor, but the scarf needs to be repositioned slightly. It's not saving any of the changes, even when I apply, and I've turned the internet upside down looking for an answer. It's not a major issue, but I want this armor to happen. :/


If any NifSkope masters know the secret, I'd love to hear.


I've also had this issue a couple of times while screwing around with nifskope. As far as I know, It won't let you scale or re-position armor pieces normally for some reason, and they always end up reverting back to their default positions when the game tries to load the model. The only way I've found to do it is to use the "scale vertices" tool and scale/re-position pieces that way (kind of limited, but it works). Otherwise, the only other option would be editing it in blender or something similar (could never get blender to work on my system so I can't really offer any advice there).


Anyway, hope that helps


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