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merchants guild


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ever wanted a guild with missions that have minimum agressive senario's. perhaps more of a trading style mission. traveling from one side of skyrim to the other completeing quests of collecting old debts for fellow guild members and striking new deals to further bring profit to the guild.


It would be a twist to the theives guild but with more legitament standards. theres a limitless range of possibilities, and a lengthy quest line. doing buisness as far as solstheim to demanding tax rent or supplies to the isolated dawnguard. i think a quest line of missions that rely on the art of speech rather than who packs the hardest punch would make for an interesting chapter for our dragonborn.

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lol. apperently morality is for the real world and not for a game. whats dumb is if this is an emmersive roleplaying game, then why does a sword in hand have to be the only option. its impossible to play morally. you cant pass up that sack of 100 gold sitting on the table. if bethesda made a skill tree for persuation , a option to sell goods anywhere called "merchant" then at least i cant say they didnt promote such gamestyles but makeing money with out 1000's of bodies at your feet is just impossible. hopefully ES-6 will be better in that sense. And hopefully a creative modder will like this idea.

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