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Arcangel RPG Signup


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II am looking for player who want to play an RPG in an established world - right here in the forum! This will be for new 1st level characters using a rolemaster-style set of rules. (You control your character, I control the rest).


I'll take care of the dice rolls, so if there is an attack, please say something along the lines of "I feel the breath of the minotaur on my face and, in desperation, swing my sword in a vicious arc at the foul beast." Posts such as "I kill the beast with a single blow" are not acceptable.


To let me know that you wish to play, please let me know the information I'm asking for on the next post. I will generate the character sheets based on this information, and be happy to get them to the players.


The setting of the world is as follows: (THIS IS NOT A MORROWIND WORLD)

The land is medieval in technology, and has its own pantheons, orders, npcs, etc. I will provide all the necessary information to those who wish to play. The game is open-ended, meaning that it is not a single quest or item that you will be looking for, but rather you can control your future by your interactions with the NPCs and choosing what direction you wish to go.

Arcangel is an ancient land, and, though your characters will be from all over the realms, various tasks will have you meeting in the northern kingdom of Toof, one of the most powerful of the 30-odd kingdoms that make up the human realms. The City of Toof is one of the largest on the continent, and has about 30,000 total inhabitants.

The PCs will begin in an establishment named The Puking Toad. Though this sounds like a dive, it is actually a fairly high-class establishment. There are a number of NPCs that the PC can interact with to find information, and a "job board" that has a number of tasks that various local people wish to have done. (If this is not a clear enough setting, I'll put more later, though a full description will begin at the start of the game).


This is going to at least start as a low-power game, though if you go long enough, you can fulfill long-term goals and complete great tasks, becoming well-known throughout the land and the subject of poem and song.

Experience is not a requirement, just a good imagination and the willingness to work as a team. I like the posts at the top of the forums on rules of etiquette. to those, I'll just add a couple.

1) I am the final word on conflicts.

2) Stay within the scope of the world as defined. (Don't use the fact you know how to make gunpowder to create something that doesn't exist)

3) Flames and other anti-social activity will not be tolerated.

4) Have fun.


I am looking for any number of players to play. As the game is open-ended, additional players can be added after startup as long as they go through the same character generation process as the original players. I'll start the game either when I have three players signed up or one week from today (10/10/2003)

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Do you want to be human? y/n (If yes, you are human). The gaming area starts in a very human dominated area.

You may not get your first choice if you don’t want to be human.

If not, please rank the other races in order

Human Other

High Man

½ Elf

Wood Elf

High Elf

Fair Elf




½ Orc


Cerenorn - an ancient race who are great fighters. They are very rare.

Cerboean – an ancient race who are great mages. They are very rare.


Rank statistics in order of importance:

Constitution (helps hp and resistance)

Agility (helps offensive (especially missile), stealth)

Self Discipline (helps a lot in little ways)

Memory (helps a lot in little ways, especially lore skills)

Reasoning (helps a lot in little ways)

Strength (helps weapons and encumbrance)

Quickness (helps movement and defense)

Presence (Base stat for mentalism (spells of the mind))

Empathy (Base stat for essence (spells using elements))

Intuition (Base stat for channeling (spells using other’s power i.e. clerics getting spells from their god)


What Character Class would you like?

Let me know a little about what kind of character you want, and I’ll find one that fits what you’re looking for. Double classes are ok for any race, but they advance very slowly. There are lots available, so if you want a character with a twist, let me know and I'll see if I can match it up for you.


What is your rank of weapons types? List from favorite to least favorite

1-hand edged - swords, knives, etc.

1-hand crush - maces, hammers, hand axes

2-handed - battle axes, 2-hand swords, etc

pole arms - spears, pole arms, halberds

thrown - the ability to throw any weapon

missile - bows, x-bows

siege weapons - catapults, ballistae, etc. Only pick high if you think you’re always going to be in a siege.


If your character normally uses spells, rank type of spell you would prefer








If your character class normally does not use spells, which type would you like to have a chance of picking up at very low power?




Elemental (as essence but more defined)


Background options: If you want to give me a history, great (don’t include social class, please). If not, I’ll try to provide skills based on a good background for your character class.


Final Options: List 6 (all but stat increase can be taken more than once). If you take one involving a skill, let me know what skill.


Statistics Increase


Item (can be about anything, but is random)

+10 in primary category (weapons, spells, stealth)

5 boxes in secondary skill (particular lore, music, dance, trade skill like smithing, appraisal, etc)

Spells (based on class)


Do you worship a certain god?

Character Name

Character Sex

Basic Description including height (no 7’ dwarves), wt, etc. If unreasonable, I will make it reasonable.


If you have any other questions, put them out here, or PM me, and I'll be happy to answer them.



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O.K., I'll try to explain my character. Hope It makes sense... :blink:

And this sounds like fun


--all lists from highest wanted to least wanted






High Elf

Fair Elf


Rohir (Dont know what it is... sounds cool though)

1/2 Elf

High Man



Rank statistics:






Self Discipline






Character Class: Custom Mage type (If I cant have that, lets just say mage)

I Think The Rank statistics covered his main skill things... If not, PM me




Short Swords

Long Swords






Spell type:









Born (---depends on race) about 21 years ago, he was raised in a good family. When he was 13 he joined the local (closest to Telvanni) faction. Since then he has been travelling the world, doing tasks for the (guild, house, whatever)


Statistic Increase:




5 box in secondary

+10 skill


God Worships: Don't know the god caste yet


Description... also depends on race







sounds Really coo!

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I forgot to mention - The system is like Morrowind's but on steroids. It just requires more specialization (A mage won't be the world's best swordsman, etc.)


Still looking for people - I've got one so far, and a couple of maybes - send me your requests - Just send a character description if you wish. As I posted earlier, I will be starting on October 17th.



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I'll join, but I can't right now I"m very busy at the moment, like literally right now as i'm posting this. So I just won't to go ahead and post so I wouldn't get left out. I'll check back in a few hours to a day or two, and put up a character.



-The Raven-out

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OK - Huge post - hope it's not too big. If you need anything else, just ask.




Humans Lifespan 80 years Language: Common (with Dialects)

The most prevalent race in the current adventuring area, representing over 99% of the local populace. Therefore, the most readily accepted in the gaming area as far as interactions with townspeople, guards, etc.


There are different kinds of humans, mostly defined by their cultural, rather than physical differences.


Western Human (Commoner) - this is your everyday, garden variety human, representing basic medieval culture. The vast majority of the population is this group. They are hardy, flexible, have some magic talent, can fight, and can basically do just about anything well. They tend not to specialize in any one area, so the other races have advantages over them in some areas, but are disadvantaged in others.


Rohir - The Horselords. These humans come from the great plains, where they breed horses and live for their horses. This gives them a special affinity for horses, and many of the great Horses of the past have been bred by the Rohir. To a Rohir, the saving of the party's horses may be as important as the saving of another character.


Beornings - the Bear Tribes. These northern forest tribes are barbarians. They are noted for their wood skills and their ferocity. If you want berserker troops that you may or may not be able to control, these are your guys.


Waldkin - the Forest Folk. These reclusive people live like the elves and try to emulate their ways. They shun much of human contact, but their wood skills and ability with the special short bow of the tribes are legendary.


Melcineans - the Desert Wanderers - These tribes have adapted well to life in the barren deserts the lie beyond the Coroboron. They are friendly with none, and consider themselves safe within their cities in the sand. None will tell how it is that they are able to survive in a land where nothing larger than scorpions live, and they tend to be dark-skinned and lean in appearance.


Courians - the Mountain Men - These tribes have lived in the mountains for so long, that many have forgotten about them. They are short, and stocky, and try to emulate the dwarves. They are master smiths, though their talent pales when compared to the great dwarven smiths. They shun virtually all contact with society so that they may perfect their craft. Great Alchemists have been known to come from this stock.


Olpargans - the Great Seers - These are of the rarest seen humans. Calling themselves the Chosen Ones, they try to move the course of history to their own ends. Many among them have been given the power of prophecy, which they use to this end. They are slender and pale-skinned, and tend to wear white. They believe in their calling, and will do what they can to be sure that things work out the way they are supposed to.


Northmen - The Great Raiders - These are a pain for those who live anywhere on the coast of the northern kingdom. They are sailors par excellence, and often will sack entire towns if they are in the mood. For appearance and temperament, think Vikings.


The Esanic Pirates - These are similar to the Northmen, but operate in the waters of the Southern Sea. They tend to be more like what the popular notion of pirates would be. They are equipped with the best ships and latest weapons that money can buy. The fact that there is a magician on board each ship also makes these a formidable people. There have been stories told that these people are born on deck, live on deck, and die on deck, never touching land. Some of them do, however, as how else would they get their provisions and equipment?


Southern Tribesmen - These plainsmen have been slowly driven across the southern Plains of Cael by the commoners. they resent their plight, but are not strong enough to attack the outlying cities in force. There is a prophecy among the people that some day a great leader will come, well versed in the ways of the enemy, who will band all of the tribes together and take back what is rightfully theirs. They are great with horses and bow, and are not to be trifled with if one comes upon them in the wilderness.


Elves Lifespan ?

There are many kinds of elves.

They all have the following in common.

1) There are two ways for an elf to die. One is by getting tired of living, the other is through unnatural causes (i.e. fireballs, swords, etc doing great bodily harm).

2) They appear to be whimsical at times, but that is due to the fact that they are so long-lived and things don't have to happen as quickly as they do for non-immortal races

3) They hate Orcs and Orc-kind, and will gladly join any expedition to hunt them. They will tolerate humans and dwarves, and will join them if the particular human or dwarf proves itself to them


Grey Elves Language: Quenya

One of the Noldor, or Great Elves. One of the original races to appear in the world. Very tall, with males averaging about 6' 6" and females at 6'. Their thin frames hold great agility and strength. They tend to be somewhat reclusive, but will deal with humans under certain circumstances. Some act somewhat superior to all races, and there is a rivalry between themselves and the fair elves. Good in alignment, they are constantly watching for the opportunity to thwart evil.


Fair Elves - Language: Quenya

One of the Noldor, or Great Elves. They tend to be less aloof than their cousins, the Grey Elves, and are more willing to work with humans. They still are very rare, however. Some Fair elves have been turned to Evil, though the number in all of history can be counted on one hand. They average an inch or two shorter than their cousins.


High Elves - Language: Sindar

Offshoots of the Noldor, the high elves are mostly elven, with some other blood mixed in a great many eons ago. They are the Sindar, and most of the elves that are seen by humans are this type. They have no compunctions about living or working with humans, especially if there is some greater goal to be accomplished. They consider the Noldor to be stick-in-the-muds, but are in awe and envy of them. Generally good, there have been Sindar known to turn to Evil. They are similar in appearance to Fair Elves


Silvan Elves - Language: Silvan

The Wood Elves. These are the most playful of the elves. They run the whole gamut of alignment - from very good to very evil, and tend to be somewhat militaristic against those who try to impede on their realm. Experts with the bow, they operate at the fringes of human settlement. Even though the Silvan towns are closer to human habitation than any of the other elven races, they are rarely seen. They are similar to thin humans in body size and frame.


Dwarves Lifespan 300 + years Language: Khuzdûl

Dwarves are the children of the earth. They are short (4'-5' tall) and stocky. They are expert in the fields of mining and smithing. As elves, they hate Orcs and all Orckind, and are constantly waging wars against any Orcs who try to come north. They live primarily in mountainous terrain, with their home area being the Coroboron, the great mountains that divide the East from the West. They interact well with humans, and love to fight and drink with them. They tend to distrust magic, trusting more in their hammer or axe, though dwarven mages have been noted in history. They treasure wealth in metals and great weapons and finely crafted armor above all else and are usually willing to put aside their most ingrained hatreds if the price is right.


Halflings Lifespan 100 years Language: Kuduk

No one is quite sure where the halflings came from. Shorter and thinner than Dwarves, they possess keen intellect and nimble fingers. They tend to shy away from all of the other races, though, once one is allowed into their realm, they are consummate hosts. Little magic has ever been noted in this race, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Gnomes Lifespan 200+ years Language: Gnommish

Gnomes are the cousins to the Dwarves, though somewhat shorter and not as stocky. They do practice magic well, though, and they use this, rather than the axe and hammer, to overcome the Orcs or any other obstacle that they run into. They do not share their cousin's trust of humankind, however, and tend to shy away from large settlements. There have, however, been notable exceptions to this.


Cerboeans Lifespan ? Language: Aoelan

Cerboeans are also known as the Old Ones. They were here when the elves were young, and had dominion over much of the land until the great wars of 10,000 years ago. They are magic users in the extreme, and they progress faster than humans in the mastery of the arts of spell casting. They are tall and thin, though their quite human features quickly show them not to be elves. They can be distinguished from humans by the sixth finger on each hand, and a mark over their heart of a crescent moon. They tend to be pale with dark hair, love to collect and wear gems and jewels on their body and on their clothing, and prefer names with lots of vowels.(Why, no one is really sure).

They will generally shun contact with any of the other races, as they have been hunted in the past to near extinction. They have, however, seemed to be bolder now in areas where there is tolerance of the different races. They hate the Cerenorn and the elves, though recently there have been some reports of Cerboeans working with all races toward certain goals. Once thought to be totally evil, human society is beginning to accept that this race may be a valuable ally if there are any problems with other races.


Cerenorn Lifespan ? Language: Cythic

Cerenorn are the counterpart to the Cerboeans. Also known as the Protectors, they are also an old race, as old as the Cerboeans. Where the Cerboeans were great mages, however, the Cerenorn were great warriors. It was the Cerenorn who gathered the other races together to fight the Cerboeans in the Great Wars. Without their assistance, the yoke of Cerboean Oppression never would have been lifted from the other races.

No one is really sure how many Cerenorn there are. They tend to stay away from society, working alone or in small groups to ensure that the areas that they protect do not come to any cataclysmic harm. No more than 20 have been seen at any one time, and even in the Great Wars, there were only 1,000 of them ever known of. Some feel that greater interaction with the local inhabitants is necessary, as the younger races get stronger. If fact, some records have been noted of young Cerenorn actually banding together with the other races to fulfill some goal or quest as some of their training to take on their responsibility.

Cerenorn are tall, well-built, and appear in most ways as humans. Their light hair and steel grey eyes set them apart, however. It is said that when a Cerenorn looks you in the eyes, he can look straight through to you soul

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Do you want to be human? no

If not, then, in order of preference:

Grey Elves

Southern Tribesmen





Rank statistics in order of importance:

1) Agility

2) Quickness

3) Constitution

4) Reasoning

5) Intuition

6) Strength

7) Memory

8) Empathy

9) Self Discipline

10) Presence


What Character Class would you like?

Pretty much a ranger/scout type character. She prefers to attack from a distance, using stealth to get into position.


What is your rank of weapons types? List from favorite to least favorite

1) Missile: Longbow

2) Pole Arm: Pike or short spear

3) 1-Hand Edge

4) Siege

5) 2-Hand

6) Thrown

7) 1-Hand Crush


If your character normally uses spells, rank type of spell you would prefer

Not as much of a major skill, and focused on enhancing her existing combat ability.

1) Deceptive

2) Defensive

3) Healing


If your character class normally does not use spells, which type would you like to have a chance of picking up at very low power?



Background options: Though a gray elf by birth, Alenee has been exiled from her homeland. When she was around 20 years old, her defiance of her superiors got her into trouble, and when she refused to bow to what she felt as the wrong view, she was given a choice of exile or death. Not without a few later regrets, she chose exile and has wandered the world since then.

Though she has a strong sense of self interest and independence, her years in elvish society have left her with a hatred of evil. Of course her idea of evil isn't always the same as the dominant society, and more than one corrupt ruler has met their end on the point of her pike. Among some people, her name has become almost legendary as a dangerous rebel.

During her travels, she has acquired a lot of knowledge not often seen in warriors. Ancient artifacts especially interest her, and she has an unusual ability to understand even the most complex mechanical devices. The military applications of technology are of almost as much interest to her. A few bribes to the right people bought her qute a bit of advanced math and engineering knowledge. Though her lack of experience limits its real usefulness, she feels that someday it may be of extreme importance.

In battle, Alenee prefers skill and tactics to simple force. Her weapon of choice is a longbow, one of the few things she still has from her home. Years of practice have given her exceptional skill with the weapon. Combined with a few stealth spells she remembers from her early years, she is often able to take out a target without ever drawing a counterattack. When things do get close, she switches to a spear, using the extended range and blocking ability to evade damage to her less than tough body.






Final Options: List 6 (all but stat increase can be taken more than once). If you take one involving a skill, let me know what skill.

1) Statistics Increase (agility/quickness preferably)

2) +10 weapons

3) +10 stealth

4) +5 longbow

5) +5 lore: tactics/weapons/etc

6) spells


Do you worship a certain god: Yabeth, one of a few war gods of her civilization.

Character Name: Alenee B'Elen

Character Sex: Female

Basic Description: A little over six feet tall and light even for an elf, Alenee has the appearance of graceful agility in her movements. She might be considered attractive, if not for her complete lack of attention to such minor things. She usually wears clothes designed for comfort and ease of movement over style, and her "makeup" often consists of the accumulated dirt of weeks of travel and fighting. A dark gray cloak conceals her full equipment, though sometimes a battle scarred curiass and pockets for secondary weapons can be seen. In town, she carries her weapons slung across her back, able to be drawn quickly at the first sign of trouble. Though an observer might at first think of her as young and inexperienced, an aura of calm confidence surrounds her, even around veteran warriors.

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OK before I make a desision about this can you answer one question about the playing style. Is this classic D&D where someone can get brutally ingerande and if they have enough HP and other reists and armor and such they can stillw alk away form it? O is it more realistic where you get his in the leg with a warhammer your leg is gonna' brake, and you'll likely pass out.


And as for the characters and gmae play two questions. (1) The channeling you ment what is it, is it form Wheel of Time or is it Keneticas, of so what is Mentalizum, if neither than what is it? (2) What will game play be like, is it a strict stick tot he main point type game of a wander around having funt hen eventually in a strange way finisht he main section of the game?

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