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Images of ports allowed?


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So i posted an image of a port. It got removed and i was told it is illegal. I went over the rules and it said only the creator can post things that they made. And i am the creator of the image. So would posting an image of something someone ported into oblivion be fine or illegal. Apparently i was told it was illegal and my image got removed by a bad tempered mod. I would really like to share my image. I don't see anything wrong about an image of a port. Please help me!
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It depends, I think, on the "obviousness" of the port/rip/whatever you call it, too--as well as if it was on your file that got deleted just before ;) If you got told off for doing something, it's really best not to try to work around it. Just take it like the reasonable person we all know you are and let it lie :)
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The issue is that it's effectively advertising content that is prohibited on the Nexus sites. People will likely contact you asking where to get it. In this respect you're using the Nexus services to promote and/or distribute material you would not otherwise be allowed to post here. Edited by HugePinball
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