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Skyrim Benchmarking Utility


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Hello, Dovahkiins! I have been having some performance issues in my game, due to a large number of graphical mods, and this gave me a nice idea. In the game's main menu, there could be a "benchmarking" option that, when clicked, would load some saves with various places, each one for a short time, so we can see how the game would look and what would be the performance in several different situations, such as the Windhelm docks, the plains outside Whiterun, some interiors, etc. If you have one of the Batman:Arkham games in the PC, you'll probably know what I'm talking about. If not, here's a video illustrating my idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNcLOGvga9w

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What Qwerty said.

Use the Alternate start mod, choose camping in the wilds then open up console and type player.setav speedmult 1500 and then TCL and fly around.

That's what I currently do, but why wouldn't it work?

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