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What is more important. The search for truth or knowledge?


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What the bloody hell are you talking about and please stop crying you're embarrassing yourself.


No such thing as a moral perimeter,sorry.A perimeter is a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. The word comes from the Greek peri (around) and meter (measure). The term may be used either for the path or its length - it can be thought of as the length of the outline of a shape. The perimeter of a circle or ellipse is called its circumference.


If you rely on the opinions of others then you're looking for back-up and,guess what, you can have an opinion without some famous/infamous person agreeing with you.

Everyone does,indeed have a worldview,so does having a worldview make you right?Of course not.


You're trying to tell me what i think but you don't have a clue,you're just babbling and assuming.The Vietnam war was wrong as are all wars,i unlike you, am not a war monger.I see absolutely no enlightenment coming from any war ever,ever, except for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.However these atrocities didn't teach us near enough.


Stop thinking that the past is reality for it is not,it was the reality but those days are over now or haven't you noticed.


"Evil government secrets",OMG you're a bloody conspiracy theorist?Yeah well you should seek help a lot of good meds are out there now to help with your paranoia.

Edited by gandalftw
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What the bloody hell are you talking about and please stop crying you're embarrassing yourself.

Are you dropping out of your role? As so far the only one "embarrassing" himself is you, with your full serving of clichees. How am i embarrassing myself?



No such thing as a moral perimeter,sorry.A perimeter is a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. blablabla more selfrightous garbage

Do you know what a security perimeter is for example? Your moral perimeter is just as set up as one divideing in good and bad.



Everyone does,indeed have a worldview,so does having a worldview make you right?Of course not.

Ofcourse it does. Everything else to assume, that ones worldview is set up to be not right therefore wrong would be mad.



You're trying to tell me what i think but you don't have a clue,you're just babbling and assuming.

Not one bit. You were the one who assumed i needed a book to define reality for me, which is again selfrightous and larking. I have no ground to make such things as assumptions. All i can do is assess what you feed me, which is as i said among theses trades Authors like P.J. assigned to the baby boom generation.


The Rest is just, mixed with clichees, whining and bitching about what i'am and, again, more assumptions about me, like i'am some sort of conspiracy theorist. I said nothing that could suggest that.

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No, of course you're babbling,here and on every post you've made i'm just playing with you,like a cat with a mouse.

"larking",what the hell does that mean,oh and why do you keep asking people if they touch themselves?Weird question.


BTW The topic is:What is more important. The search for truth or knowledge,which has nothing to do with "Evil Governments".

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Do you know what a security perimeter is for example? Your moral perimeter is just as set up as one divideing in good and bad.


Hehehe...This is exactly how you're embarrassing yourself.

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Ofcourse it does. Everything else to assume, that ones worldview is set up to be not right therefore wrong would be mad.


This shows what your problem is you're close-minded and completely out of touch with reality.Don't feel bad because you are not alone in this world,in fact you far outnumber those that understand the nature of human perception.If you refuse to acknowledge the possibility that you could be wrong you block your own growth and intellectual development.

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No, of course you're babbling,here and on every post you've made i'm just playing with you,like a cat with a mouse.

When this seriously is what you are thinking, then you have quite some problems. First off because its obviously not the case when you can't even follow figuratively speakings like the one with the Moral Perimeter, secound off a cat playing with a mouse is a very sadistical figuratively speaking to put it that way, which ofcouse isn't the case. You can't play me, no you can't. Someone who tries to throw meaningless bunk in my direction like "Warmonger" can't play me. You step in every clichee there is literlay just one post after i mention it. The "Warmonger" crybaby stuff is exactly that kind of bunk the Generation would brought up that smoked pot to John Lennons Imagine Song. And the Song is total garbage. And ofcourse i'am the Warmonger because i think the South Vietnamese were worth it defending against communism, while ofcourse the people in Hanoi or the Cadres who scrumble through the Bushes at the Border Regions ain't warmongers. And who droped the Bombs on Japan, the only act in war you seam to be schizophrenicly reckon? Curtins LeMay was a warmonger. A Warmonger ain't a bad thing, just when your moral perimeter is set up to make him a bad thing, outside the comfort zone.


Seriously, you are the last one who should lecture anyone about intellectual advancement and growth. You have just the same self right attitude these damn punks had screaming Ho Chi Min Slogans at the Pro-Vietcong Protests.

A quick look at how limited this attitude is.:


by You


BTW The topic is:What is more important. The search for truth or knowledge,which has nothing to do with "Evil Governments".

And this is the first reply a forum member had to the start post.

The government doesn't want them searching for truth any more. They might discover that we have been lied to for decades, and upset some people.


So who are you to lecture anyone? Oh right, youre a baby boomer that protestet the Vietnam War and did some Civil Rights stuff all by himself. Your whole act is a bad clichee, but otherwise then you do, i don't ask you to stop.

Edited by KaiHatia
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Hehe,i didn't comment on Lennon's Imagine so you decided to bring it up again.Guess what i don't care,Lennon is nothing more than another point of perception,he and that song doesn't matter to me.I guess it does to you but whatever.Sigh....


"figuratively speakings"What the hell does that mean?Just when i think i understand what you're saying,you lose me.


"So who are you to lecture anyone?"I thought it was evident i am Gandalf and i am lecturing you.


Guess what, Vietnam war is over it's 2015 now,accept it.Try to get back on topic.

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Hehe,i didn't comment on Lennon's Imagine so you decided to bring it up again.Guess what i don't care,Lennon is nothing more than another point of perception,he and that song doesn't matter to me.I guess it does to you but whatever.Sigh....

The Point i make about John Lennons Imagine Song is that it virtually caricatureses the Anti-War movement. Imagine there would be no Nations and then we were all happy and peacefull and people wouldn't kill each other. It is basicly what the whole Anti-War Movement can be brought down to, a bunch of delusional people that phantasise about what the World should be instead of how it is. You just show this once more with your "War is bad" and how i'am a Warmonger Statements. You were the one who brought up Vietnam in the first place. I'am just here showing how such attitudes can backfire right in your face.



"figuratively speakings"What the hell does that mean?Just when i think i understand what you're saying,you lose me.

Quite not exactly the cat that plays with the mouse. Seams more like the cat doesn't get a catch of the mouse and then the old, slow and clumsy cat has to go after pieces of grammar policeing and such things. figuratively sayings, speakings, call it what you want.



"So who are you to lecture anyone?"I thought it was evident i am Gandalf and i am lecturing you.

Someone who doesn't know what the moral perimeter is and also asks alot of questions for someone who wants to lecture....



Guess what, Vietnam war is over it's 2015 now,accept it.Try to get back on topic.

Oh this is the topic. You wanna talk Truth and College? Lets show that this Topic is a bit more twisted and complicated. Funny is how you know come up with this "oh vietnam is over maaan, its 2015 now and we shouldn't talk about this". Yeah, its 2015 now where the heroic Baby Boom Vietnam Protestors hang around in Video Game Forums where they think they can lecture anyone and play people, while in reality they are just in delusional decline and don't even know it yet, that they are already dead. I think there could be realy a Camp in the Mountains where Baby Boomer feed on the blood of the young. They became just what they thought they were not, even coming up with dictionary definitions about stuff because they are already to old to get any sort of development in the language. Is this the incarnation of crusted old structures or what?

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"John Lennons Imagine Song"Can't you read i don't care.What is caricatureses?

Who was in the Anti-War Movement i want names damn it! Yes war is bad,killing people is bad.

Quite not exactly the cat that plays with the mouse. Seams more like the cat doesn't get a catch of the mouse and then the old, slow and clumsy cat has to go after pieces of grammar policeing and such things. figuratively sayings, speakings, call it what you want.



Sorry i still don't get it,are you drunk?


I am Gandalf and i am lecturing you.


Oh this is the topic. You wanna talk Truth and College? Lets show that this Topic is a bit more twisted and complicated. Funny is how you know come up with this "oh vietnam is over maaan, its 2015 now and we shouldn't talk about this". Yeah, its 2015 now where the heroic Baby Boom Vietnam Protestors hang around in Video Game Forums where they think they can lecture anyone and play people, while in reality they are just in delusional decline and don't even know it yet, that they are already dead. I think there could be realy a Camp in the Mountains where Baby Boomer feed on the blood of the young. They became just what they thought they were not, even coming up with dictionary definitions about stuff because they are already to old to get any sort of development in the language. Is this the incarnation of crusted old structures or what?


Dude i don't have the slightest clue as to what you're getting at.I've got seven people here and not one understands what you're talking about.

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