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Help making pets


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You can't have dialog with creatures that aren't NPCs, but you can make an elaborate message box option script with them. You start the message box dialog by activating the creature. It is long and complicated, but you could include the follow and wait options and a few other orders if you wished.
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Another much simpler way would be to use scripted spells ( I discovered this one day when i cast the wrong spell on a minatour and had it following me around like a love sick puppy ).

The script was very simple and I had designed it for hostile NPC's not creatures....but it worked :blink:

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You can't have dialog with creatures that aren't NPCs, but you can make an elaborate message box option script with them. You start the message box dialog by activating the creature. It is long and complicated, but you could include the follow and wait options and a few other orders if you wished.


Yeah, the message box deal is exactly what i'm trying to do! I just don't know how. I'm new to modding. Extremely new. And spells were off. I want a real follower/pet, not a temporarily brainwashed thrall.

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Here is a script from Adense Epic Dungeon Update. Parts of it are inapplicable, and is simpler than what you desire. It basically just has the commands "follow" and "permanently dismiss"


scn AEDOronSkeletonSCRIPT

; Oron the skeleton companion.  You can dismiss him by activating him and
; using the menu.  He is disabled when the quest is over so he won't follow
; you out of the dungeon.  

Short Working
Short Choosing
Short Choice

Begin onActivate
If GetStage AEDOron == 100
    	Set Choosing to -1
   	 	Set Working to 1

If GetStage AEDOron == 105 || Getstage AEDOron == 107
    	 Messagebox "Oron:  'Farewell adventurer!  Thanks for finding my bones!'"

If GetStage AEDOron == 110


Begin GameMode

If GetStage AEDOron == 100

If Getstage AEDQuest01 == 100

 If Working
   Set Working to 1

   If (Choosing == 0) 
     Set Working to 0
   Elseif (Choosing == -1) 
     Messagebox "Oron:  'Whats up?'" "You are dismissed.  I can make it from here.  Thanks for the help." "Let's continue onward." 
     Set Choosing to 1
     Set Choice to -1
   Elseif (Choosing == 1)
     If (Choice == -1) 
       Set Choice to GetButtonPressed
     Elseif (Choice == 0) 
       Setstage AEDOron 105
       Set Choosing to 0
     Elseif (Choice == 1) 
       Set Choosing to 0 


Begin Ondeath

SetStage AEDOron 110


Here is a link for a messagebox tutorial:

Messagebox Tutorial


Here is a link to a tuturial that talks about the AI packages and quest variable associated with making a companion:

Simple Companion Tutorial

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