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The Known Elevator Glitch Lucky 38

Rachel Faith

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OK. In the wiki it says "Sometimes when trying to enter the elevator the player will be unable to enter it and they will be unable to talk to Victor. The only known way to resolve this is to kill the two securitrons and victor, then attempt to enter the elevator.?


Yeah. THAT one. Happened to me.


Here is the help I need.


I need to obviously kill victor and the two robots inside. But can I resurrect them and reset their friendliness? I haven't even started this part of the quest and don't want to just go and KILL everyone. So I need to just trick the elevator back to working and then reset everything else to NICE.


I am sure someone more technical can post the simple how to. I am familiar with the ~ console so just the basics, no need to hold hands... I hope.



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Um stupid question maybe because I'm not sure if it has a top floor butttt


Does the place have a balcony or something you can enter? Perhaps no clip up there ? Seems a lot easier


If it doesnt have a balcony sorry for my bad advice


Solution 2 could be a bit harder, add the same door but through the geck.. add a sewer grate behind the bar out of the way or something that does the same thing as the elevator.

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