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Blackout ENB, fnv4gb and GTX 970


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I have my game using the Blackout ENB and the fnv4gb, and a bunch other mods, it was running fine with my GTX 750 but I just upgraded to a GTX 970 and now the game won't work. The game loads fine and all but then when I look to a certain direction the game becomes sooooooo slow and runs at 1 fps, basically.

I know that with these enbs and the 4gb mod you need to disable anti-aliasing or you will get transparency issues etc. This is how I had it set up (with anit-aliasing off) with my gtx 750, I didnt touch anything when I installed the new gtx 970.

Can anyone think why I'm getting this problem with the gtx 970? does this card automatically run some sort of anti-aliasing program even if you have it disabled in the actual game?

Has anyone had a similar problem or could think of a possible solution?

Thank you


Edit: I narrowed the problem down to the Ojo Bueno texture pack. I was using the UHQ textures so I downgraded them to the HQ ones and now the game plays fine like it used to.


It is still weird that the new card can't play with the UHQ textures, maybe theres still some other hidden reason. I'll have to keep testing tomorrow.

Edited by maliciaviva
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Can you be more exact on where does the fps drop happen? You look at a certain object, npc or something else? Does it happen both outdoor and indoor ?

I'm asking because I myself have some issues that might be somewhat related and I'm still working on fixing it.

Edited by Ilidza
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After you installed the new video card, did you run the game from the launcher, not your mod manager or the .exe, but the launcher. If you did not, that is the problem. When you change video cards, you have to start the game from the launcher so the game detects the new card and sets the graphics.

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Can you be more exact on where does the fps drop happen? You look at a certain object, npc or something else? Does it happen both outdoor and indoor ?

I'm asking because I myself have some issues that might be somewhat related and I'm still working on fixing it.


Bascially, coming out of the saloon in Goodsprings and looking to the right in the direction where the old man is always sitting would cause the massive fps drop. If I kept walking straight or more to the left in the direction of the NCR CF or Sloan, the game would keep playing just fine. I didn't get to test it indoors.


I think ill just stick with the HQ Ojo Bueno textures, but if this is the same problem you are having and you manage to run the UHQ ones let me know. :)

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Now after testing the game for a little more it seems like changing from UHQ Ojo Bueno textures to HQ didnt really fix anything, the problem is still there. To trigger the fps drop all I have to do is play around for a little bit, run away from the saloon to the goodsprings cave, for example, and then run back to town and it does it again. This sounds alot like memory issue. I hope it has nothing to do with the whole gtx 970 bs going on.


Also , the only thing that seems to help is turning down the settings down from Ultra to Medium, which is bs, I shouldnt have to play like that with a new card...

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Now after testing the game for a little more it seems like changing from UHQ Ojo Bueno textures to HQ didnt really fix anything, the problem is still there. To trigger the fps drop all I have to do is play around for a little bit, run away from the saloon to the goodsprings cave, for example, and then run back to town and it does it again. This sounds a lot like memory issue. I hope it has nothing to do with the whole gtx 970 bs going on.


Also , the only thing that seems to help is turning down the settings down from Ultra to Medium, which is bs, I shouldnt have to play like that with a new card...

I agree, even if it was two generations older you would still be able to handle the game on high settings. I remember playing it on HD5850 on the highest settings and heavily modded, no issues whatsoever. Now I'm on HD7950 and I got massive mouse input lag and fps drops inside buildings. After some intensive testing I found out that the only way to remove the problem is to turn off HDR in game launcher, which is bullshit, because the game looks far worse to me like that.

I suggest you try it as well and check how it performs, even though our problems are probably not exactly the same.

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