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Return of the Living Dead... hookers???


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So I break in to the bloody room in Gommorah, to find (to my supreme astonishment) the wasteland's first Zombie hooker.


As I was inspecting the body she stood up and said "Hey baby, you want to have a good time?"




I retreated in horror to the hallway, only to find that she was fully reanimated and started walking around the casino.





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  • 2 weeks later...

It's part of a quest, won't spoil it. But, there's a room with a Very Hard door, with a nosy guard watching, in the lower level. Inside be zombie hookers. Beware.


PS took body replacers off to reload from my save point and grab these screenshots so I don't get in trouble for posting Adult content. It was even more disturbing when it was, in fact, a *naked* zombie hooker asking to "give me some sugar".


I mean, sheesh woman, there's no "Necrophiliac" perk in the game. (Although, wasn't there one in Fallout? Or was that the grave digger perk I'm thinking of?)

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