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Looking for Hardcore Difficulty Mods


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Hey everyone.


I am looking for mods that change the game's difficulty to be as hard as it can be. Meaning, something that goes beyond "Legendary" difficulty. With how SkyRe works, it's system is a bit TO rewarding. I have been able to one-shot common enemies, and usually take down hard mobs like Bandit Leaders in about 6 swings. That really shouldnt happen realistically, and skyrim has been getting a bit boring because of this.


So my question is, is there any good hardcore enabling mods out there? And I dont mean like perk balancing mods to make it seem harder. SkyRe offers good stuff that works well with perk spells, armor and sword play. I guess I'd find it more prefferable if mobs I encounter would scale with my level, or something like that. Like if I am at level 81, mods I encounter from now on would be 81 and much better equiped. Like bandits in Nordic armor or something.


Cause really, being with 981 light armor rating (Ebonyskin+Glass grade+perks) fighting mobs that are level 17 is just not right :T


Help me out guys. I want skyrim to be able to rape my level 81 ass if I am not careful D:

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I play with Perkus Maximus, which is the sucessor to SkyRe, + Deadly Combat, Deadly Dragons, Revenge of the Enemies, and Locational Damage. These all make combat pretty brutal, and I'm only on Adept right now. Also, adding something like Civil War Overhaul can make that area so much harder. I've noticed there are a lot of mods that cover specific areas, like combat with dragons or the civil war difficulty, but there aren't many general difficulty modifiers.

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