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Steam Community and Fallout NV Crash


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I have noticed that when I try to run Fallout NV with the Steam Community In-game 'engaged' or activated or whatever it's called, the game will not run. If I untick this on the Steam website I have no problems running my game. Problem with this is mods are starting to pop up that require this to be ticked. I have tried to get some help from Steam with the matter but they say it's a Bethesda problem. Bethesda claims it's a Steam problem, classic point-the-finger-at-the-other-guy syndrome. Does anyone on the forum have any insights. Thanks for any help.
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Try running steam in offline mode.



Problem with this is mods are starting to pop up that require this to be ticked.


May I enquire as to the mods you say need this active? I can't see any reason a mod would require the community feature to be running in order to work.


NVSE needs it.

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That's the one. NVSE requires Steam Community In-Game. Needless to say, the likelihood is that many mods will require NVSE making the need for Steam Community a requirement. Kind of sucks all the way around.


Edit. Well playing with Steam in offline mod seems to have worked. Now I have a new question. Will the game update with Steam in offline mode?

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Okay, here's an interesting turn of events. It seems the problem I'm having is not with the entire game and Steam Community but just with the opening start menu. I have a mod that bypasses the opening menu, the one that has the Options, Tech Support, Data Files et al. I have no problem running my game if I use that mod. Unfortuantely to run NVSE I have to go through that start screen. Is there a way that anyone knows to bypass that screen on startup?
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