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Ah, yes. The old deleter gun. I did a number of those in personal testing, but I never released it because it always caused crashing during firefights where you have companions or just whenever the engine felt like it. Man, I wish I could have gotten that working.


And it's a lot more than a few lines of code. Well, my killer shades was a few lines:


scn KillerShadesScript

; kills any combat target if equipped, rewards 5 XP
; note: does not increment appropriate stats

ref target

begin GameMode

If Player.GetCombatTarget != 0 && Player.GetEquipped KillerShades == 1
	Set target to Player.GetCombatTarget
	RewardXP 5


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Ah, yes. The old deleter gun. I did a number of those in personal testing, but I never released it because it always caused crashing during firefights where you have companions or just whenever the engine felt like it. Man, I wish I could have gotten that working.


And it's a lot more than a few lines of code. Well, my killer shades was a few lines:


scn KillerShadesScript

; kills any combat target if equipped, rewards 5 XP
; note: does not increment appropriate stats

ref target

begin GameMode

If Player.GetCombatTarget != 0 && Player.GetEquipped KillerShades == 1
	Set target to Player.GetCombatTarget
	RewardXP 5



great idea for aiming mate! :)


is there any way it could be scripted for firing? then just make the weapon 0 damage? this would eliminate the crashes and at the same time not kill everyone you targeted? or is this for hostile enemies only?


thanks for the quick reply! :)

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The 0-damage deleter gun was the worst when it came to that crashing bug I had. You can try something like it, but I'm not going back there. I think my next similar project will be a sniper rifle/SMG that shoots a powerful shotgun blast called "Dirt Gun" or something like that. Much less hassle than the deleter.


EDIT: I'll attach my last incarnation of the NV version of the Deleter...



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