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Oblivion Mods Won't Download


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When i click to download a mod in mod manager, it attempts to download for all of 3 seconds before stopping itself and listing the download as incomplete. I don't know a whole lot about how to fix these things and running it as an administrator does not fix the issue.

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When you download manually any mod, what you need to do is to unpack it to a temporary location, for instance your Desktop. Do not unpack it directly to your Oblivion game folder nor any other location inside C:\ProgramFiles (in fact, consider moving your Oblivion installation outside C:\ProgramFiles).


Once you have the mod unpacked, look inside the folder and locate and open the file called ReadMe. There are the instructions for manual installation (usually, some mods have very vague installation instructions).


So we can give you a practical example, tell us which mod are you trying to install right now, we will take a look at its folder structure, and tell you exactly how to manually install it.


Be aware that mods packed as omod or bain files cannot be installed manually.


For Oblivion, I strongly suggest you to stop using Nexus Mod Manager. Your problem is fairly common. NMM does not work well with old games like Oblivion. Download manually and learn how to use Oblivion Mod Manager and Wrye Bash to install and manage Oblivion mods.




PD: Never skip the "open and read the ReadMe file". Never. Seriously.

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sorry about my absence, i didn't realize when i posted the topic that i had to leave for class shortly after. the mod I wish to download is called "more arrows recovered" at http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2169/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D2169&pUp=1


When i download it only a single file shows up in my downloads folder.

Edited by atlarian
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Hey, Atlarian!


Don't worry, you're not forced to stay staring at your computer screen, blinking, waiting for a response.


This mod, Recovered Arrows, is the easiest and more straightforward type of mod: it only has the esp file.


Yep, when downloading it, a single file, More Arrows Recovered-2169.esp shows up. You simply take this file and put it inside your Oblivion\Data folder.


The mod author SHOULD have included some installation instructions, at least in the Description page, because, even if "everybody" knows what an esp file is and how to install it (putting it inside the Data folder), newcomers could feel puzzled by this.


Once you have placed this file inside your Data folder, you need to activate it either on Oblivion Mod Manager, Wrye Bash or the Data Files section of the vanilla Oblivion Launcher.


Now, let's move to another mod, this time a more complex one. Toss a dart against the Nexus Site and tell me where it lands.



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Whoa, Atlarian, our messages got crossed.


Yep, it's just an esp file, I provided you with an explanation and installation instructions.


Huyo, Striker, how'da ya doin'?



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An extremely non-standard mod to start learning how to install mods, but in a way the simplest of possible mods to install.


The download isn't even a compressed file ... no need to extract it or do anything except copy it to your Data folder.


Step by step. First download manually to a folder you create using the Windows Save As dialogue (take note of where you are creating the folder). Next in Windows Explorer open that folder and you'll find a single file named "More Arrows Recovered-2169.esp" (if you don't see the file extension ".esp" it's OK ... you just have "Hide file extensions for known file types" selected in your Windows Explorer view options). Once you've located the file right mouse click on it and select Copy from the right click menu. Now navigate in Windows Explorer until you have your game's Data folder showing and right click it and select Paste from the right click menu. Then using either the vanilla game Data Files or your mod manager activate the ESP (you should see More Arrows Recovered-2169.esp listed).


That's it.

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