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Any way to save the brotherhood


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  • 3 weeks later...

I might just teach them a lesson for threatening to kill a weaker lower level me, and robbing me of my dignity when I was nice enough to give them the news about their patrol in REPCONN.


Already have Scribe Counter, so not sure how much longer I need Veronica for. Been keeping an eye on since she 'accidentally' clocked me in the back of the head while fighting fiends.

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I wont hear a word against the girl, the number of times I've winged her with full auto in those wild fire fights and never a peep of complaint. I've got to check her Hp, wont ask for a stimpak god bless her cotton socks.


Just a bit annoyed with the NCR, you mean we nuked our selves back to the stone-age and still haven't grow out of the 'if your not with us your against us' mentality.

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The Brotherhood have always been my favorite faction. I'm pretty sad to see them brought so low in NV. One little bunker when the NCR and Legion are everywere? Sad days.


Of course I prefer Lyons Brotherhood if i'm being honest. They blend the BoS ideals with guarding the common wastelander well. Pretty much the reason the BoS is in such bad shape in Mojave; NCR 'adopt' places they beat into submission and try to merge places peacefully into themselves if they can, wheras the BoS pretty much just breeds within the ranks and steals tech. I'm sorta hoping there are more branches of the Brotherhood in other areas of the west coast that are faring better. Unlikely though if sights of the BoS have become pretty much none existant.


I'm undecided on the NCR. They seem to be pretty much the only way forwards since no other goverment body of equal size has stepped up (though I expect since the Lyons Brotherhood takes on recruits that they may eventually become just as powerful - Sarah and the LW are potentially the next leaders.) if people want to have goverment. I don't in paticular, but thats because i'm not having to fight off bands of raiders interested in 'aquiring' my home and wife/daughter. A few patroling NCR soldiers make the difference. Still, they are a goverment and full of corruption just like any other. So I dunno. They'll do for now. And i lurv their Ranger armor. :P

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