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Internet Voting


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There is a push in the States right now to get Internet voting set up as an alternative to our outdated voting machines and the now infamous "hanging chads." Internet voting, which takes place at voting place but uses a computer to register the vote, has raised serious concerns about validity and ease of tampering. What do you all think of Internet voting? Is it safe? Can the people who count the votes and the company that makes the machines be trusted? What effects will this trend have on democracy?


Josef Stalin once said: "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

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Lol! That's hilarious. There couldn't be a worse idea.


1) Computer's are a lot more unstable than a simple cardboard box.

2) Hackers always find their way in somehow...

3) Hello? It's a computer! OF COURSE people will tamper with it.

4) This is gunna be fun to watch. :D

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Now that could be a sexist issue. If the hacker was a female of the species she might prefer Colin Farrell. Not that the ballot box is 'unbeatable;. For years a little old man on the street where I lived voted as himself and then three more times on behalf of his cats! He was caught, eventually but not for several years.


Ooh er :blink: Catwoman for president!

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Now I really need that 'Hackers for Dummies' Book.....


We'll have a plum for our next President! You all know you want it.... :blink: :ph34r:





Thankfully, most politicians are horribly old and they shun computers. That means they can't hack into the results.... but you never know what a fanatic might do.

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:angry: Ageism now! What is this forum coming to? :angry:


Computer literacy is not the prerogative of the young, wesaynothin. Of course the hackers that get caught are usually young but work out what that means. It's not that those over 25 (I assume we agree that that's horribly old) don't hack, it's that they've gained enough experience to avoid being caught. And the older they get, the more expert they become. It's all these antique politicians that are getting away with it.


Ponder. Ponder!


Politics is a dirty game. Stick with Morrowind.

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