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Help stabilizing modded Oblivion


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Hello all,


After quite some time tinkering with Oblivion and installing a bevy of mods I've collected over the years, I finally sat down last night to play the actual game. Upon starting the game, however, I started crashing quite a bit. I have a LOT of mods installed, but I'm pretty confident that I've done it the right way, and I've been testing as I go (albeit not in-depth enough) to make sure I have a playable FPS remaining.


Now, I'm not expert on modding or on the intricacies of how Oblivion works, but I think the crashing is a product of entering a new cell. I was able to isolate a few instances where I would cross an "invisible border" outdoors and instantly crash the game. And it was repeatable, so I know these aren't random crashes. My mod list is large (and can be provided if it will help) but I've mostly got your standard large mods: QTP3 Redimized, RAEVWD, Unique Landscapes, among others. Right now, I've noticed this crash in and around Imperial City (since I just started). I've crashed on the waterfront a few times, and I've crashed trying to walk from the sewer exit to the Imperial City. I've had NO crashed in the City, however.


I don't want to say it's an FPS issue, either. I get a steady 30fps at least walking around outside. With RAEVWD, I've got the uGridDistantCount turned down to 15; I don't know if that information is relevant.


Rather than bother with more conjecture, I'll leave it up to the people that know more than I do. If you need any more info, please let me know what you need and I'll get it to you ASAP. I'd love to start playing this game without saving every 2 minutes.

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Some mods you didn't uninstall rely on UL as a master.


I'm not sure if that's the issue. UL was one of the last mods I installed and I've been pretty careful to remove the few patches I installed (aside from the large UL compatibility patches file/mod). I don't know of many mods that rely on UL as a master, certainly none that I've installed.


Unless there's something in particular you're thinking about?


EDIT: I also had a crash earlier while trying to enter the Bloated Float. So it seems to key on cell switches (I believe) and doors/loading areas.

Edited by CasanovaFly
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OK I'm confused ... you installed UL and a bunch of compatibility patches, uninstalled UL but left some "large UL compatibility patches file/mod" and yet you don't think it's related to a missing UL as master that's your problem??


Word of advice ... when uninstalling something that had compatibility patches installed to make it work with the rest of your download uninstall everything that was related to the mod that added the need for those patches. In your case every last thing that was installed because you installed UL.

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OK, so you used to have UL plus a bunch of compatibility patches and now you have no UL and no UL compatibility patches. Did you resort your load order with BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch after uninstalling all that?


I don't use RAEVWD but have looked at it and it's install instructions (my current hardware wouldn't play well with RAEVWD installed). The installation tells you to run TES4LODGen after you install the BAIN packages but nothing is mentioned about needing to undo any of that TES4LODGen stuff on uninstall. When you uninstalled RAEVWD did you use BAIN or manual uninstall?

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