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Help stabilizing modded Oblivion


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Can't say for sure as I haven't followed that mod at all (I have seen some posts there, usually if I see TheRomans has made a post ... I like to "pick his brain" by seeing what he's posted on a wide selection of mods I don't use or follow).


Do you find when you save the hard drive light seems to continue flashing for a while after the save should be completed? I do on my machine (Windows XP, Oblivion installed on a separate games hard drive, a 250 GB WD Velociraptor). It doesn't make any difference for the CTD while gaming situation but I've taken to waiting 15 seconds or so after making my final save of the session before hitting Return, and then exiting the game using Exit (all off the Esc menu). I think it helps a bit on the crash on exit problem.


As I said I know where some of my problem areas are likely to be because of NPCs Yield NPCs I've left at certain ambush spots in the game (I know where all of the spawn points are along every road except the backwoods trails). I make it a habit to save before I get too close. For some particularly sticky spots (close to the bridge just north of Mouth of the Panther is one) I might need to load my closest save, advance a bit more up the road, save and repeat a few times before I can get through to where I want to go (I have Panther River Smugglers Shack as one of my homes, so I'm generally pretty persistent on getting there). Some times it's no trouble and no crashes, bad times it will take three or four save/load sessions to get there.


In my case I'm quite certain it's my NPCs Yield INI choices that has me destabilized, but I know there are certain cell transitions that are far more troublesome than others (like that spot near the Panther River bridge). I've just learned to be conservative and save more often than most people would.


- Edit - To give you a frame of reference on my saving habits, my current character is on day 348 since his alternate start, play time is 321 hours and I'm at save 1306. Probably 10 to 15% of those save weren't "precautionary" ... I do tend to save before telling my packdonkys to follow before mounting my old nag (due to the Blockhead save while mounted/sitting bug).

Edited by Striker879
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