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GECK Script Error


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My GECK don't save scripts anymore...

Tried to alter an old script,error

Create a new one,error...

even a simple

scn Testing
short Once
begin gamemode
if Once == 0
player.additem Caps001 1000
set Once to 1

gives error.

I already gave Administrator Privilege for the GECK(Win 7)

and yesterday i updated one of my mods without problems... Any idea of what causes this error?

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Please, please indent your scripts. Unindented code is just frustrating to follow. If you don't know how to indent it on your own, then try running it through my Script Validator.


The GECK will refuse to save your scripts if there is an error. In this case, there don't seem to be any structural errors, so as far as I know the possibilities are:

  • There is no such item as "f" (why would you call an item "f" anyway? Give it some sort of descriptive name so you know what it is)
  • Either "Once" is already the name of an editorID, so cannot be used as a variable name


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ops... i typed the script here,didn't payd atention... but like i said, Even the script that i edited yesterday didn't saved today,so it is not a code error, it is an error with the GECK

The script:

scn zzzAddItemsTempScript
short zzzOnce
begin gamemode
if zzzOnce == 0
AddFormToFormList AmmoList9mm zzzAmmo9mmIncendiary
player.additem zzzAmmo9mmIncendiary 13
set zzzOnce to 1

just to be really clear: This script worked yesterday,but today always gives error.

PS:i didn't deleted the ammo "zzzAmmo9mmIncendiary", it is still in the same mod.And i tried to re-install but still nothing... Also i'm not new ... already moded Fallout 3 a lot.

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