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'Season Unending' glitch seems impossible to fix! Feels like I've tried everything!


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This is a very common bug, so I have been able to find all kinds of solutions for it on the internet. However, no solutions seems to fix it for me.

It's the old tale about the council never actually starting: I am sitting at my seat, and I know Ulfric is suppose to say something about having Elenwen at the meeting, but he never does. Everybody stays put and says absolutely nothing. I have checked countless times that every one is there: they are. Here's what I have tried so far:

Reloading the save.

Waiting 24-hours whilst seated.

Waiting 24-hours whilst standing.

Leaving High Hrothgar, entering again.

Leaving High Hrothgar, waiting 24 hours outside, entering again.

Using the console command and typing: setstage mq302 60

Using the console command and typing: setstage mq302 55

Making sure everybody is in place by pushing them around a little.

Talk to everybody before seating.

Talking to Arngeir before seating.

Spamming talking to Arngeir before seating.

Shouted. (In frustration. Didn't work, everybody went insane)

Asking my follower to wait outside.

Dismissing my follower.

Seated, then waiting about half an hour in real life.

I have around 80 mods, but I can't imagine any of them has anything to do with this. Seriously. If you want a modlist, I can give it to you though.

Please help. This is one of my favorite parts of the main quest! Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Edit: I just discovered that General Tullius says "Let's get this meetings started" only the first time I talk to him. Afterwards he says: "Don't worry, I'll come to this council of yours", like he is not actual there. This is the only thing he says to me, after "Let's get this meeting started".

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I think this problem is connected with Esbern somehow. There is an ini tweak that you can use to make the game read all of his voice files. I used this fix and it worked for me when Esbern didn't open the door in the ratway and I found that others had used that fix to fix the same problem you have but the thing is, I don't know what line it was... it was a long time ago I used that fix. Search google for "Skyrim Esbern Voice Fix" and try to find an ini tweak. Best of luck!

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