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Blockhead Mod/Character Overhaul Version 2


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Then OBSE isn't working. If OBSE is working you'll have a save ending in .obse (e.g. MySave07.ess and MySave07.obse).


Ike never covered that to use OBSE you'll need to start the game using obse_loader.exe instead of the vanilla game launcher (OblivionLauncher.exe). You can either edit your desktop shortcut to start the game using OBSE or create a new shortcut. To create a new shortcut just right click on obse_loader.exe and select Send to --> Desktop (Create a new shortcut) ... I'm on Windows XP so the exact wording may vary a bit in the Win 7 right click menu.


To edit your current shortcut right click it and select Properties. In the Properties dialogue select the Shortcut tab (should already be selected) and in the Target field change the OblivionLoader.exe part to obse_loader.exe (leaving the quote marks that were already there in place). Click Apply and then OK (again that's a WinXP step by step ... Win 7 may have different wording but the concept will be the same).

Edited by Striker879
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No ... the selection of new armor/clothes will be limited to stuff that was created back when the game was first released (or at least pre-HGEC release). Not much has been created for the vanilla body in the last half dozen years. If you're not a clothes horse then vanilla is fine (and yes you can still use Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 ... just fewer steps involved during installation).

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Should be OCO v2 time I guess (didn't feel any nibbles on the UOP).


Sounds like you have OBMM already installed. It's been a long long time since I last used it for anything beyond extracting mods that come packaged as a pre-made OMOD so my instructions may not be quite up to my usual "step by step" standards.


If you have already downloaded OCO v2.03 from the FILES tab of the mod page then you can click on OBMM's Create button and then click on Add Archive. Navigate to where you downloaded OCO v2 to and select it. I don't think OCO v2 includes any OMOD conversion info so you'll probably want to name it something you'll understand in the OBMM OMOD Creator dialogue. Once you have the info like you want it click on the Create OMOD button. After OBMM has finished creating the OMOD you'll see it listed in the right hand pane of the OBMM window. Double click on it (or single left click and then click the Activate button).

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My goodness, I can't believe I forgot about the "use the obse_loader.exe to launch the game" and all. Lucky us, Striker was lurking in the shadows, d'oh!


Looks like you have everything up and running. Now, remember that you can't have any other cosmetic mod (or any other Overhaul mod, anything that changes race assets or stats) with OCO v2 unless you merge them in the Bashed Patch. For now, leave thins as they are and next time you want to install another mod, if you have doubts about its compatibility with OCO, drop us a note.


See ya and have fun!



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