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Anyone else feel evil killing the giants?


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I do! Maybe its the way they fall to their knees when they're injured or the arrows sticking out of their backs, but I feel just evil killing them! I wish they were like the nugs and rams and not an enemy from the start. Same with the bears, they're just going about their merry little day and just because my Inquisitor chooses to run through that path, they die! I get it if its part of a mission, but I just wish they weren't automatically enemies.

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Totally agree! I actually spend considerable time in the Emerald Graves now to bag all the Landmarks without engaging them. (Some take many, many attempts. :laugh: )


And I'm currently trying to complete the game without killing any High Dragons. They're just minding their own business (well, except that one in Crestwood.)

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Oh, good on you! I tried that at Emerald Graves and i can't seem to do it, i always engage one of them which tends to alert at least two others. I feel the same way about High Dragons, too! And its so awful we keep the head :sick: And i hate killing those dragonlings, they make the saddest little sound when they die :( Although I'm not equal oppurtunity about this, the spiders can die die die die.

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I don't like killing any of the animals, except spiders.

IO wish for a game where you join forces with the animal kingdom ( inc dragons ) to fight the baddies.

That would be cool choosing different types of animals for different tasks.

Flocks of crows, lions etc, imagine that !

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I have played through without killing any high-dragons (in fact those that say you need to kill one to get the hunter-shade are wrong) but not killing giants is extremely difficult.


Well... I found the exact opposite. I can avoid killing all the giants (fairly) easily, but I can't get that Landmark in the NW corner of the Emerald Graves because of Greater Mistral. :geek:

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I can avoid killing all the giants (fairly) easily, but I can't get that Landmark in the NW corner of the Emerald Graves because of Greater Mistral. :geek:




I might have felt some remorse killing them, especially in the field of them in the Graves... if they didn't aggro on me. Getting dogpiled by the monstrous tusked one-eyed hairbutts is not fun.


Takes a bit of dodging around (and lots of "Disengage!" orders) but I can avoid all the Giants and still plant the Inquisition's standard in all the required locations in the Peacewood. What's new is that I learned how to do the same with the High Dragons that occupy certain locations. Yes, they will go after the party when you come into their nesting areas. But during the brief time when they take-off and circle before returning to finish you off, the site can be "Claimed". Once that's done... RUN!!!


So all sites (and oculara) can be activated with no Giants or High Dragons dying, but only with considerable finesse. :laugh:

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Meanwhile I specifically go "hunting" for giants for the loot (and as Zev would say 'a bit of fun'). What gets me is all those brontos that like to place themselves in the way of fire.

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