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Character display with inventory open


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This may already be a mod but if there is, I cannot locate it.


I would like a mod that will let you have the inventory window open AND have full view of the character at the same time. This is primarily for trying on various armors and seeing what they look like on the character without having to close the inventory window to see the character wearing the armor.

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You mean like in Oblivion, the previous game in the series, which clearly had this ability making it completely baffling that Skyrim doesn't? Yeah, I'd like that too. So would most of the fanbase. I am legitimately baffled that nobody has done this yet. Edited by Seattleite
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You mean like in Oblivion, the previous game in the series, which clearly had this ability making it completely baffling that Skyrim doesn't? Yeah, I'd like that too. So would most of the fanbase. I am legitimately baffled that nobody has done this yet.

From my understanding, yes. I never played Oblivion so I can't speak from experience, only from what I've seen in other threads.


I can somewhat accomplish this with hitting V on the keyboard...that shifts the character to the right but with the inventory window open, it still blocks a small portion of the character's right arm and even then I'm zoomed out a bit further than I'd like.

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Hi PlagueHush,

Good call-out. I am currently using Glass UI and while it does let you see through, it still isn't as open-view as having nothing. Here's an example of what I'm referring to. In the screen I am using Glass UI + the "V" key to move my character to the right. I also edited the UI to move the crd information and 3D model out of the way.




Edited by TQWorld
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Yeah, but Glass UI isn't even available for download right now. At least, not on the Nexus. Of course, give any creator enough time and they'll get banned from the Nexus over some damn fool thing in the forums. Then they'll move to LL or the Steam workshop and take all the traffic they bring with them. You know, as if this site needed any help from the mods in getting killed faster.


Also... Not my place to say but... Skimpy plate armour? Just the name and I'm already laughing. Well, at least it's up front about it.

Edited by Seattleite
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Yeah, but Glass UI isn't even available for download right now. At least, not on the Nexus. Of course, give any creator enough time and they'll get banned from the Nexus over some damn fool thing in the forums. Then they'll move to LL or the Steam workshop and take all the traffic they bring with them. You know, as if this site needed any help from the mods in getting killed faster.


Also... Not my place to say but... Skimpy plate armour? Just the name and I'm already laughing. Well, at least it's up front about it.



You have dared to insult the NM!!!


Beware! O, ye redundant member! They hold in their grasp the power of Life and Death.


Beware! Hide you IP Address and change your account. They Come! They Come!


The dreaded Nexus Mafia!!!


NOTE: The content of this post is purely fictional in its content and no harm and/or prejudice was intended.


Also skimpy plate... Isn't that what you eat off when you're on a diet?

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