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Character display with inventory open


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This is certainly not the thread's main topic, but now that it's come up, but what happens if she gets hit, say, in the chest? Or the stomach, or the collar, or the shoulder. Or the side, or back. Or most of her arms or legs. Or, of course, on her neck or head. It just... Doesn't seem to be conducive to her survival.

Edited by Seattleite
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This is literally the only feature from Oblivion I miss. I really don't understand why they thought being able to "zoom in" on an item, which has absolutely no use except with the dragon claws, should take precedence in the inventory window over being able to see your own character. No mods that I know of can do this because of how Skyrim's UI and menus work, but I have found you can use a couple of console commands to sorta-kinda allow it. (They're also mega-useful for screenshots.)


Pop into third person and open the console. "TFC 1" freezes the game and puts the camera into free-flying mode. WASD to move the camera around, and left/right click to move it up and down. The default camera speed is very fast, so use "sucsm #" to slow it down/speed it up as you desire. Move the camera until your character is visible on the right side of the screen and open the inventory like always; the camera won't move, so while the incredibly annoying item-zooming-in stuff will still display over the top, you'll be able to see whatever angle you've picked from the inventory. The bad news is that you can't rotate the view from within the inventory, you have to go and reposition the camera again, but since TFC 1 pauses the game anyway, you won't spend three days of game-time just trying to get your camera in the right spot. When you're done perfecting your equipment, just open the console and use TFC again to restore the normal view.


As a bonus, you can get the Face Light mod to be able to see yourself at least a bit when changing in dark places.

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