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Enemies send hunters after you for your deeds...


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I've always thought it was strange how in Skyrim you could murder everyone you wanted to, and the only consequence was guards or 3 random thugs sent after you. Why is this the only consequence? We need a little more here.

I propose a mod where holds will send guard patrols after you depending on your bounty. You'd be hunted by ever increasing amounts of guards (2 swordsman guards for a low bounty, 5 for a medium bounty with 2 archers and 3 swordsmen, 8 for a high bounty with 4 swordsmen, 3 archers, and 1 mage). If your bounty gets too high, you'd also have adventurers and such hunting you down too.

Not only would they hunt for you, you could also have an item you could give to your companions or loved ones. Guards and adventurers would attempt to seek out and capture or kill those who hold this item similar to the Hearthfire bandit raids and would take them to a radiant location in the world as a hostage for you to rescue them. Or you could encounter the battle still going on in your home or in your friends home and would have to rush to the rescue.

This would also give a good purpose for large-scale mod castles and houses, where you'd have to use a companion mod to hire companions and tell them to live in the house to guard it from the enemies.

Depending on your faction alliances, the Companions, the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood could also send agents after you to try and kill you.

I think it would really give a much more interesting result to evil characters and overlord players who want to see people reacting to their actions.

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Good point. In Fallout if you killed certain people you would hunted down by various people.


I think I might add this idea to my mod. For instance if you attack the brotherhood to the point where your no longer accepted; it be really cool to randomly encounter 3 Dark Brotherhood Assassins. Which would be completely lore friendly. Acting Companions would result in you being hunted by 3 men who turn into werewolves once within close range.


I think it be pretty crazy being hunted by teachers from the College of Winterhold or the Theives Guild. It be just awesome yet dangerous.

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Precisely! I myself use the Vile Art of Necromancy mod, and I'm building a small cover of Necromancer followers in a castle mod. Now imagine this castle being assaulted by Whiterun Guard units, because I previously walked in there and slaughtered half the town? It makes sense, and adds a sense of the world actually not letting you get away scot free for your actions. I joined the Dark Brotherhood and killed half of them for the Destroy the Brotherhood quest, why isn't Babette training new recruits and sending them after me?

its this kind of thing that makes games so much cooler. And I, for one, am ecstatic to see that a modder has taken interest in it

Edited by Talonflight
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Maybe add thalmor hunters if you worship talos? Or even the Vigilants if you consort with deadra. Or dawnguard/silver hand for vampire/werewolf.


A lot of potential for this idea, would love to see it done.

As far as Silver Hand hunting you if you're a Werewolf and Dawnguard hunting you for being a Vamire, there are already mods that do that(Moonlight Tales and Better Vampires respectively) but I love the idea for bounty-based mentioned by the OP and your idea for Thalmor or Vigilants. Perhaps there could be a script that searches your inventory for an Amulet of Talos or any of the Daedric Artifacts for those two factions respectively.

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Imagine if you're playing a really evil character, or a master thief who never goes to prison. Imagine after you've got a huge bounty in all the holds.

Imagine armies of NPCs assaulting your home, your faithful companions fighting to protect you. It'd be almost like the civil war

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Imagine if you're playing a really evil character, or a master thief who never goes to prison. Imagine after you've got a huge bounty in all the holds.


Imagine armies of NPCs assaulting your home, your faithful companions fighting to protect you. It'd be almost like the civil war

Without CWO it would be the only war :)


A module of ERSO has something akin to what the OP wants. I think its called 'Radiance'.

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Took a closer look at the plugins for ERSO. While it looks cool, Radience simply seems to enhance the number of radiant vanilla encounters you encounter, not provide a bounty-based hunt system.

While ERSO is nice, its just not what I'm looking for.

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