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Total Conversion - Tower Defense!


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So I'm wondering if it would be possible to make a tower defense mod for Oblivion. You know... where you build the towers and waves of creatures come pouring through set spots to either kill you or take your loot/gems/women/loved ones... etc etc...


Just saying... it would be awesome. But... dynamically adding buildings into the game world... probably quite an undertaking I imagine, if not impossible? There is a game coming out called dungeon defenders that technically follows this same sort of concept... Action RPG meets Tower defense... build stuff... watch it smash creatures... then the ones that get through you finish off with a big weapon... or a nice sparkly spell... or two.



I couldn't really find any subjects on the matter so.. thought I would toss the idea out there. Anyone else think this would be an epic thing to see? I've never heard of anyone actually spawning an entire building in game before. Has to be done through the construction set. But... let just say we get creative and make the towers... oh... placeable items. You know like what books/orbs are in oblivion normally. Given proper weights though so they don't go tumbling off in some random direction due to Havoc not enjoying having a full sized building drop out of no wheres....



If it could be done... I think a staging level would be great as a start. Player spawns in a room with doors/portal pads that will take them to a different map/location. Player moves to a few predefined spots to place towers/defenses, and does so through a sub menu. And then... say after 5 or 6 waves they can portal back to the room... buy weapons/armor. Go to the next level.


Acquiring gold/points through killing and looting. Maybe a few special items off boss creatures to upgrade or acquire better equipment from a "Sage" and having X of said items allow for a dialogue to happen to acquire said items. So basically in the form of a quest, more or less.


Building some of the levels... isn't so hard with knowledge of Construction set. Scripting and making buildings appear from thin air... is beyond me though. What I can do... I know how to make 3D models and skin them quite well, and even make textures for them!

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I'm not sure about how possible it is with the engine Oblivion has. You'll either kill your save files with bloat or the AI would explode on you. I think it'd really be easier to play a tower defense game and replace the models in that with Oblivion ones.


If you want the next best thing, try Daedric Wargames.

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