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Help with New Vegas tutorial boundary


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Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum but I have been modding New Vegas myself for some time. I have run into something I just can't figure out.


I want to reset the tutorial boundary so that a player can completely respec their character when leaving Goodsprings. I know about the console commands that allow you to respec the character and the mods that do this as well but that isn't what I'm looking for.


Like I said I'm new to the forum so I don't want to risk crossing the line or ticking people off and I couldn't find what I was looking for in search so please don't flame me...but here is my end game....


I have created a mod for use with new vegas on the 360. It's for a retail xbox and can be downloaded through "one of those sites". My mod adds a base camp near New Vegas and what I want to do is start the player in Goodsprings and allow them to cross the tutorial boundary to reset the character I have made if they so choose. In order to place the camp away from Goodsprings I have already crossed the tutorial boundary and simply wish to reactivate it either through console commands or the GECK.


This mod is for a console so the players ironically don't have access to "console commands". I have to reactivate the boundary on pc for them to cross. Thanks in advance for any help especially from someone who understands exactly what I'm talking about! Thanks again!

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I know exactly what you are asking and it is evident you did not read the Terms of Service. You know, the ones to which you agreed when you made an account. I would like do draw your attention to the relevant part:


Console modding
Nexus Mods does not support console modding. While we would love to see mods on consoles, as long as the console manufacturers stance on modding remains unchanged (non permissive) you should observe the following rules, regardless of your personal opinion of the console EULAs and their enforceability:

  • Do not requests mods for consoles on Nexus. This includes actual game modifications and tweaked saves.
  • Do not discuss resources used in console modding and do not post either direct links to them or links to pages/sites hosting them.
  • Do not discuss or debate the legality/permissibility of console mods (physical modifications made to the console hardware, software modifications and game modifications).

If you ignore these rules, you will receive a warning or a ban, depending on the severity of your breaching of these rules.


You can access the Terms of Service at any time. There is a link at the top of every page.


Also, from the Forum rules and warnings: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/

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