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Tranqilizer Pistols/Rifles/Etc


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General Idea:

  • Each gun/rifle are only capable of holding 1 round per clip.
  • Un-silenced guns are very loud
  • Has good range
  • Accuracy dependent on Guns skill
  • Mod kits a possibility (No scope mods, extended mags) (Possibly faster reloads, firing rate, accuracy [laser sights])


Tranquilizer Pistol


Same or similar statistic to a 9mm pistol, deals 1 damage on hit, can use a variety of special ammo.

Gun condition decays much faster than other pistols.


Tranquilizer Rifle


Accuracy is on par with a sniper rifle. Cannot be silenced. Same capability with special ammunition. Deals 1 damage on hit.

Gun condition decays slightly faster than other rifles.




Using a combination of a vaccum and steam parts, you can craft a "silenced" weapon that is capable of using custom dart rounds (not bullets). Different than the toy dartgun, and operates much differently. Held as a rifle. Range, accuracy, and power suffers because of the silenced feature.



- Headshots deal 100% knockout

- Other limbs take temporary limb cripple effect (meaning the limbs aren't really crippled, but asleep)

- Non-headshots will knockout the target only after 5 seconds, of which the target would be alerted of you.




Tranquilizer Sedative Rounds - Inflicts knockout on targets, but effect is greatly diminish if the target has a lot of endurance. Works best against humanoids, least effective against insects.


Knockout timer is maxed at 5 ingame hours, and minimum of 1 ingame hour. Endurance of your target affects how long the knockout lasts.


Other ammo types:

  • Venom tipped rounds - Causes -2HP/Sec for 25 seconds. Ineffective against Armored.
  • Paranoia Drugged Rounds - Has a chance to drug a target, confusing and making it go berserk. Ineffective against Armored. Similar to Ant's Frenzy. Calculates 3% chance each second over a period of 10 seconds (total of 30% give or take depending on user's luck).

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Yes!I did it!A way to use any effect on any enemy using scripts!Without using the script extender!Caham.... I can do the mod.I'll travel tomorrow,be back monday,then i'll make a Beta version(adding ammo to use with 9mm pistol and some others if i have time)

I'm not good at editing Nif files,so the weapons will have the normal texture...

Anyway,now i can control the effect of any ammo... mahuahahua :devil:

And probably there will be some grammar error if i add a note explaining the mod.....

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It's good that you can make the ammo, all we need is someone who'll make a weapon that's designed for it, which I think isn't really hard if you just copy a 9mm handgun and retexture it to look like a pistol made out of polymer or something. Actually, just take the silenced pistol and retexture it black or something, it'll make sense for that variant to exist.


The idea is that you take apart the gun, modify it and put it back together.

Once you modified it, you can't break down the tranquilizer gun, so repairing is from npcs or weapon repair kits.

Since it degrades pretty fast, the average cost should be 400~600 Caps give or take 150 caps based on skills.


I'd work on something like this myself but I don't like the scripting end... Maybe I could get a template for the tranquilizer gun set up so you guys know what specs to work on.


We got a few choices:

1) Go alpha (or beta) and take the easy way, make the silenced pistol the only gun compatible with the sedative dart rounds until we figure out new ways to implement it (for players to satisfy their espionage needs)...

2) Hold back and design better stuff?


I'd go with #1, better to have something to play with and get feedbacks on...


UPDATE: Awesome news!

If you set the gun's damage to 0 for normal and critical damage, they'll NEVER aggro you!


Add tranquilizer effect and you'll have the perfect non-aggro knockout weapon! I'll try making my own ammo next, maybe going to test it out too...

Gonna steal the frenzy and other effects...


UPDATE 2: Geez the fatigue effect on the ammo does nothing, btw the script isn't loaded onto the weapon itself, just the ammo...

I wonder if it's because it does 1 damage... I used Fatigue, add 100.

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Good news!(For you at least...) the weather here is bad(raining a lot),so i'll travel after lunch,so i had time to do The Omega version! ---Edited: Ops,the Alpha Version...

For now just test it please,don't upload it to the Nexus mods,since i'll not be here to read the feedback and make updates...

All effects stack,up to 6 times.

Tranquilizer : 5 seconds then Down.

"Venom tipped rounds - Causes -2HP/Sec for 25 seconds. " little bugged...

For the Nif, Take a look http://www.weaponspecialists.com/tranquilizer-gun ...

Oh,and 0 damage don't apply any effects.

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The knockout part of the test doesn't need a script, but the problem is that you can't adjust how long the person is out.


I set a game effect for ammo, where it references a target, sets a field to it, and then apply fatigue damage 10000.

It uses no scripting since it's a effect from within the system.


So maybe... We need to combine the knockout and some kind of unconscious script...


Using 1000 fatigue damage would always knock them out, but you'd need some kind of script to measure the time they are out.


They are unconscious by 30 seconds to 1 minute roughly... Which is like 10~15 minutes in-game time?


Maybe if the game time were to be slowed, it might make it seem longer?


I liked Oblivion's spell effects better, because it was much clearer on how to mess with buff and debuffs... It's not so clear in fallout 3 and NV.

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I made a mod like this for my personal use...the problem is the game setting minimum fatigue. It's only set at something like -25 in the vanilla game, so that means it can't go any lower, so anyone knocked out is up soon after. I personally changed this to -1000 and it's worked for me pretty well. Also, you could apply an effect that does fatigue damage over time....that way the actor's fatigue still won't go below minimum, but it won't recover either as long as the effect is still at work.
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I made a mod like this for my personal use...the problem is the game setting minimum fatigue. It's only set at something like -25 in the vanilla game, so that means it can't go any lower, so anyone knocked out is up soon after. I personally changed this to -1000 and it's worked for me pretty well. Also, you could apply an effect that does fatigue damage over time....that way the actor's fatigue still won't go below minimum, but it won't recover either as long as the effect is still at work.


I guess one good experiment is adding a loop into the script so it counts each time it looped...


For (int time = 0; time < 600; time++)


[insert fatigue damage here];

[count 1 second real time or 1 minute ingame time]



I do not know how time skipping with affect it... I do know that if you immediately forward time in any way, the effect could just go poof and the target would go back to what it's doing before.


The strange thing is, certain NPCs knows it's you who shot them, even if your 100% hidden.

I wonder, should the shot attempt to "calm down" the target, so if they aggro you, it gets nullified since the target is going to be knocked out? This way, the target won't be RED for Caution or Danger when they are out (They seem to retain their aggro even after knocked out).


One thing for sure, I'm going to make a frenzy bullet.


Update: How do you make a list of ammo anyways? I keep trying to find the Ammo10mmList object but it's nowhere to be seen in the scripts/columns/etc.

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