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Kit Creation - Ground Texture


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Howdy Roserosenbergfr;

I went thru a similar issue with a landscaping problem. I was referred to TES Alliance, Lession #3. I was a little hesitant at first, But it is an "Awesome" site. Just give it a try and I am sure you will place it in your favorites as I did. I would try to explain it to you but as they say " A picture is worth a thousand words". Hope this helps you, I know it did me.

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You have black because you have too many textures. Open your mod exterior, A good thing I found to do is click the B key, It shows the boundaries of the cells, Open Landscape Edit Settings, Make sure the render window is active, Scrool over the cell with the black in it. Click the i button and it should open a box with four boxs called quads. You can only have a max of 6 per quad. If you have 7 or more you will get the black area and will need to delete one or more till you only have 6. Pick one (I go for the one with the smallest %) right click it, Delete it and the black should be gone, In CK and the game. Hope this get's it done for you.

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