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Help with simple script


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Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, I suck at scripting and havent really found anything to copy or use as a guide for this. The objective is to make a container that when certain ingredients are put in, it produces another ingredient,potions,etc.

In other words, Ingredient A and Ingredient B are put into container and Potion C is the result. Probably pretty simple for someone who scripts all the time, but as I mentioned I have very little experience :(

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I dont think that is possible...

Sure it is, have seen the COBL grinder, you put like bones in it and it produces bonemeal. Theres other mods that you add ingredients and make wine,pies, etc...

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Here is an example of the script format you could use to do this:


SCN AAMyAlchemyApparatusContainerSCRIPT

; Object script applied to my custom alchemy container which turns ingredients into potions.

Begin GameMode

    If GetItemCount ImpGall == 1 && GetItemCount SteelBlueEntolomaCap == 1 
  RemoveItem ImpGall 1
  RemoveItem SteelBlueEntolomaCap 1
  AddItem AAMyCoolPotion 1


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