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Dialogue Help


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Alright, I'm trying to create a few new NPC vendors. I'm to the point of editiing their Dialogue, and I want to add a new Topic for triggering the barter menu, but I can't add a new topic. I looked to the Geck tutorials, but they say to right click on the window to the left, and use add topic, but in the places where I right click, nothing happens. Could anyone please explain how to add a topic so I can finish up this npc?
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Bah. Open the Object Window, open the "Actor Data", press "Quest" and right-click, press new, name it and name ID, set priority to 50, check start game enabled and press OK, then search for the quest ID you entered and open it, press the topics tab and add new topics, and then you add GetIsId conditions for each NPC that CAN use the topic.
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Alright, I'm still working at it, and I got the topics made and that, but when I go in game and try to talk to the npc I've created, so far all she has in conversation is the AP and good bye options. Are there any usual suspects I should look at as to why my topics aren't appearing?
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