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Objects not glowing?


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Hello everybody! There's something I've noticed going on with my game that I'm not sure how to solve - as it says in the title, glowing objects in my game do not glow at all.


As an example, NVDLC03hexGlow01.nif (one of the hexagonal platforms in OWB) by default has a pretty strong blue glow on the sides, which displays properly in the GECK. But in my game, the object does not glow at all. Same, for instance, with the light strings outside the Prospector's Saloon.


I was playing through my other computer and saw things glowing (I want the pretty lights!), so it must be something on my end. Has anybody ever heard of something like this?


Seems like a very specific issue. It's just a cosmetic thing, but still. I have no ENBs or mesh replacers that could be removing the glow, if that helps. :confused:

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