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Short/basic mod request


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Ok this is how it works, im making my first mod, ignoring most of the tot's out there (I can't understand them!!! >:( ) and went out to freestyle, but i'm kidda stuck.


This is all I want:




Talk to NPC

Asks you to find key

You pick up key

(Key unusable, no path)

You hand it to NPC

You gain key (looks as if you have gained the same key, but this one can be used on the chest this time, the two keys I have already created, have diffrent ID's)


You use key on chest


It doesn't matter how basic it is, I just need somthing to work with...




If you feel that, the only way I can learn, is by telling me what to do, then feel free to post.

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First of all, if you can't understand tutorials, you probably won't go very far in modding.


Secondly, look before you post. On the first page. Right in front of your eyes. There is a pinned topic that reads Quest Tutorial


Go read it.




I disagree... It isn't wanting to do much in modding, but rather wanting to do one specific that tutorials are good for. If all you want to do is know how to setup a quest, then a quest tutorial is probably the way to go. If you want to start off with a quest, then move into everything else, the best way to go would be to spend alot of time learning how everything in the game works. Not just quests, scripting, AI, world building, texturing or modeling, but everything you can within those areas, as well as how they interact with eachother. On that note... Let's break this down into its components.



Learn how to setup a quest, make a quest script, add stages, plan journal entries. This is the foundation you work from. You have to be familiar with how quest stages work, and some of the scripting basics involved with declaring them.


Talk to NPC

Assuming that you know how to make an NPC...

This means knowing how to setup dialogues. This comes from looking at how the game has setup its dialogues, and figuring out how to apply those methods to your own work. Start by looking how dialogues are associated with quests. How the quest "owns" the dialogue and the npc "uses" it based on the conditions.

You hand it to NPC

Branching from the previous. Figuring out how to add scripting elements to work with the dialogue which removes the key from the player's inventory, then adds another one. This falls under the scripting part. Through this, you could make the NPC take the key, and have the player return the next day to get the new one by working with the quest stages to determine what dialogues to allow, and what the results of those dialogues are.



You pick up key

(Key unusable, no path)

You gain key (looks as if you have gained the same key, but this one can be used on the chest this time, the two keys I have already created, have diffrent ID's)


You use key on chest

This is actually the easy part. The only challenge is scripting something with the chest, or the contents of the chest that sets the quest as completed when it is opened with the proper key.



If you feel that, the only way I can learn, is by telling me what to do, then feel free to post.

Isn't that a tutorial? There's really only two ways to do this. One is having someone tell you step by step what you need to do. The other is figuring out what you need to do, and learning everything involved with getting that done. I'm not going to go step by step explaining how to make your quest. This is no different from me sitting down and doing all the work myself, explaining it all to you, and letting you take the credit. Sorry, that just isn't going to happen, and really isn't that healthy for learning anything.


I've told you basically what you need to know. Beyond that, you're going to have to dig through the material, make mistakes, and occasionally sit there banging your head against the keyboard for hours on end just to figure out how to set one variable. But from all that, you have a better understanding of everything than that person who didn't do anything but follow tutorials. Even if that guy who followed tutorials has 5-10 mods released before you release one, atleast you're familiar with a wider variety of stuff, and can look into areas there aren't any tutorials for.

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Firstly, I’ve been working a little longer, and I think I have patched up a few bits... Now, one of the problems with my explanation was that I failed to mention the following things...


I have created the NPC for the quest, and know how to make them...

I can create items, of most types. (But cannot create new textures or meshes)

I understand 'some' of the quest creation (For two reasons, I have read the quest tutorials, but just didn't understand it all, and I started making mods waaay before looking at any tutorials, nibbling away at the real quests)

I can put things in chests.

I can almost create buildings, and caves


The problem I think I am facing now, is scripting. Puvoholo's quest tutorial at the end with the scripting, didn’t tell me anything allowing me to mould and change the script he had provided. As far as I could see, the script he created would only work with the quest he made.


And frankly, the wiki tutorial was terrible, and it’s difficult to read it (I have to go to tons of different pages, with a slow connection)


Secondly, look before you post. On the first page. Right in front of your eyes. There is a pinned topic that reads Quest Tutorial


Secondly, I just have to say for the sake of Irony... I think that this quote is a bit funny, mainly because... well read it...



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Ok, but promise that you won't fill my topic, with tons of useless posts...

You said 'Look before you post', and told me to read the quest on the sticky part of the forum, but I had already explained, was that I had already read quests, but just didn't understand them, and in concusion I wanted somone to make a basic level for me, so that I DIDNT have to read the quests... PHEW!


On a lighter and more on topic note... Can anyone explain this part of Puvoholo's quest tutorial:


Next thing is the topics. Go to the topics tab. Select the topic greeting (it is probably selected already), and a few greetings should show up. Right click with your mouse on one of the empty fields (at the greetings themselves, not the GREETING topic) and click on new. Type: “Hi, could you help me? I lost my armor, and I want it back.”


A few things:


What topic tab!!!

What empty field!!!

Where do I type!!!




To the right, there are a few empty fields, with the words add topic above them.


There is not...



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Which scripts do you need? I can write them for you, but I want you to do some pseudo-code first (easy part, but helps you start coding on your own.).


Put the requests in formats like:


==== Script for forcing n to look at i whenever the player is within range x ====

- Check if player is near

- If he is, preceed.

-* make n look at i

- Return to normal code here (End If)

==== End of the script

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