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I agree with Lumemur mostly. Just one or two suggestions:


Stats: Maybe go with agility instead? Gives you better chance to hit for the same skill, and some of the skills run of it. You could aLso pick speed, but not sure its 100% worth it. Willpower is good though


Skills: I might suggest restoration instead of enchant. it gives you a starting heal spell and is useful for stat buffing, healing etc. I would also suggest maybve long blade as dark elevs get it as a skill anyway, so you would start with a pretty good long blade skill. You could also maybe think about medium armour if you wanted more defecne, it isn't too haevy and if you have the exapnsion you can get some good stuff. If you just have MW stick with light


As fowe sign well the atronach (the one with spell absorption) is really good


just a few thoughts

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yeah i always use the atronach sign, the spell absorbtion helps so much. in the game. however, i think this sign also stops magika regeneration, so maybe not a good idea for your character


true, but you also get alchemy so you can make magika potions and the spell absoprtion will turn those points absorbed inj to magika

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