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immersive armors for Oblivion?


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Uh, Drake, you mean that comfortable, furry and warm carpet I found the other day at Dive Rock and used to sleep overnight wasn't a carpet?


And my goodness, I missed the first response to Thomriis! Boombro, you're kidding, the amount and quality of immersive armors for Oblivion has NOTHING to envy to Skyrim. Thomriis, just have a good look at the Armor/Armour category at the Nexus and see for yourself. Most of the armours are skimpy and sexy, but there are lots of really good realistic, immersive, lore-friendly armors, both as finished usable mods and modders resources.



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Uh, Drake, you mean that comfortable, furry and warm carpet I found the other day at Dive Rock and used to sleep overnight wasn't a carpet?


And my goodness, I missed the first response to Thomriis! Boombro, you're kidding, the amount and quality of immersive armors for Oblivion has NOTHING to envy to Skyrim. Thomriis, just have a good look at the Armor/Armour category at the Nexus and see for yourself. Most of the armours are skimpy and sexy, but there are lots of really good realistic, immersive, lore-friendly armors, both as finished usable mods and modders resources.



I was just beeing lazy i guees!! looking for a big armour addon Shame on me!!


A lot of Skimpy/sexy armours just means that the younger generation are trying to adapt to the TES universe And thats a good thing!!


An expedition to Dive rock??? I would be delighted,When are we leaving???

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Would all three appear on your map avatar perhaps? I started out with simple stuff like making my own armor compilations and moved on to bigger things (well a bit bigger anyway).


Your English is light years ahead of any Danish I might coax out of Google translate.

Bingo!!! Spot on 1 shiny septim so you can git yourself a pair of shoes.


So far ive downloaded the Official Oblivion construction set and combined 3 of my plugins,So far so good And hell yeah my game even loads :thumbsup:

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Oh oh ... we've created yet another monster team.


Have you been sneaking peeks through the blinds on my windows Thomriis? My poor old slippers don't have a lot of "slip" left for the amount of "per" I stick in 'em everyday. It'd better warm up soon or my toes will fall off.


If Ike's doing the inviting you'd best do some research to find out why he's being so nice. He's a slippery one that one.

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Youre right Striker.


The nice citizens of Cyrodill tends to be somewhat superstitous these days,I mean just because strange portals spawn creatures that looks like something from hell dont necessarily means believing in something so silly as an ugly bigfoot lurking about.


What!! Invisible too Ha ha now thats a good one. Nonsense!!!

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Uurrp ... the Underfyke totally agrees with you Thomriis.


Ike's been suspiciously quiet today. Maybe he's just busy grinding on those Abysmers, getting them into shape for their eventual Cyrodiilic invasion.

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Yep, Striker, I have been busy preparing my new batch of Abysmer for the upcoming wiping out of Surfacers.


But I suck at scripting, so the small script I am trying to implement to enable the Outpost stubbornly refuses to work.


Being invisible did not help the Uderfyjkte girl. Predator vision, you know. As soon as she entered my field of view, she was roasted beef. Abysmer are a pragmatic race: they zap first, ask later. Then zap again.


Looks like you're catching quick the trick on creating your own compilation mods. For cosmetic ones, like new hairs and eyes, I find more useful to save then as esm instead of esps. I strongly suggest you to grab the Construction Set Extender, it increases greatly the CS functionality.



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I saw sparks flying far off to my east ... figured it was you working away with the grinder.


So it looks like at the moment today still isn't the right today for my introduction to the new and improved slippery people (you know I'd offer to help with the scripting if I wasn't even more scriptically challenged than you)..

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Actually, Striker (and sorry for hijacking your thread, Thomrils), you could start a game with v1 so you could then check if the upgrade to v2 works as expected in an existing game. It does on my end, but four eyes see more than two. Well, I already have four eyes, but whatever.



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I have four eyes when I'm not at the computer too Ike, but alas if I use more than two at the computer I see way too many things.


OK, I'll install my old archived ver 1 and await your command.


And Thomriis, you don't need to feel that Ike and I have singled you out for thread hijacking. We're specialists at it, and try to spread the wealth as far and wide as we can ... so what I'm saying is, even though we think you're special, you're not special in any bad ways.


Make any sense?? (if so you should probably disregard, as I may be off my meds or something equally disorienting)

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