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I was listening to the Mojave radio in FO:NV and thought to myself, lots of songs mention horse riding, why aren't there horses in NV? Well, I certainly can't make horses in NV but I figure, maybe someone else can. And since NV has all this cowboy themed stuff going on, I don't see why not to have a horse in NV. Now looking towards TES: Oblivion, you can most definitely use this engine to make successful horses. So I figure I'd throw the idea out there and maybe someone will make it. And really when you think about it. All the travelling merchants, and NCR rangers and the like could have horses too? Seems a good Idea to me, let me know what you think.


-Maybe motorcycles too... but that's another topic.

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No actual horses, otherwise they may be mutated and people would get weird thoughts on them.

Maybe robotic ones can do, but they got no animation for you to use anyways... Unless you want to mess with Brahmin ones.

Vehicles aren't that great in a game like this, mainly because of the controls and what not.

You could have a jetpack, but that's a vehicle that doesn't use any animations by itself.

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Great idea, and I'm sure it is possible. It would be quite an endeavor though. Maybe if someone gets really motivated? It really depends oh how difficult importing that functionality from Oblivion would be.


I would say either a mutated type horse, kind of like the brahmin/cow thing, or the previously mentioned robot horse would be good ideas. A normal horse wouldn't really be fitting, as no other animals seem to have survived without mutation.

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Great idea, and I'm sure it is possible. It would be quite an endeavor though. Maybe if someone gets really motivated? It really depends oh how difficult importing that functionality from Oblivion would be.


I would say either a mutated type horse, kind of like the brahmin/cow thing, or the previously mentioned robot horse would be good ideas. A normal horse wouldn't really be fitting, as no other animals seem to have survived without mutation.


Yeah, I never said specifics like it had to be a pre-war horse, just, would be nice to see horses xD. I really hope someone makes this.

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I would absolutly love to see Horses in NV!!


they wouldnt really have to be all mutated and stuff....there could have been a heard of wild horses in a far off valley that could have escaped the radiation....then after all these years they venture out and get caught by some rancher and he breeds pure blood horses to sell across the wastes... :thumbsup:

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I would absolutly love to see Horses in NV!!


they wouldnt really have to be all mutated and stuff....there could have been a heard of wild horses in a far off valley that could have escaped the radiation....then after all these years they venture out and get caught by some rancher and he breeds pure blood horses to sell across the wastes... :thumbsup:


If you want non-mutated, I would say... horse Vault experiment. Thats how humans managed to escape mutation.

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If you want non-mutated, I would say... horse Vault experiment. Thats how humans managed to escape mutation.


Exactly!...perfect!! There ya go... :thumbsup: A vault that housed animals..and only the section that housed the horses kept working all these years. 8)

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If you want non-mutated, I would say... horse Vault experiment. Thats how humans managed to escape mutation.


Exactly!...perfect!! There ya go... :thumbsup: A vault that housed animals..and only the section that housed the horses kept working all these years. 8)


Good ideas these are (really hoping the ideas get noticed)

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