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FO:NV, Steam, and Pirating


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my opinion of piracy is quite neutral,if someone really likes the game he buys it,if not he just downloads it,thats pretty much it




I admit,im a pirate


Yup, and you walk the plank - banned for piracy.

Don't be so cheap, buy the game.

Bben46, Moderator

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By the Nexus' definition, yes, circumventing Steam is indeed pirating. So, it would be against the Nexus ToS to make a mod that works for someone who is circumventing Steam.


I'm not as opposed to pirating as the Nexus is, simply because if I pirated, I wouldn't have ten million overzealous lawyers all trying to shut down my forum. I've always taken a pirate sort of the way I take someone who does marijuana. I just steer the conversation away from that subject, and never talk about it again. I don't immediately go running to the police, I just don't get involved. :P

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I actually converted from quite liking Steam to loathing it with a passion, due to not only their poor customer service and their ripping me off, but the fact that it is pretty inflexible about how you can install, play and mod your games. I guess the key is that I never noticed the limitations until FONV and the pain in the derriere that Steam is with a game that I want to mod. I like my games in C\Games\... , not buried in the Steam directory, makes extracting mods simpler. People have complained about GFWL with FO3 but it never caused me the sheer irritation that Steam has with FONV.
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I hate Steam, and am not buying any more games that are Steam only, if you don't like Steam just don't buy/play their games. I don't care what their digital agreements are, what I do know is I will NOT be forced to install a 3rd party program to play a game I purchased off the shelf at a store. If you buy a game before hand and don't agree to the terms, I believe you can take it back, and just tell them you don't agree with their terms, and I would like a full refund, or at the very least get store credit.
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So, it would be against the Nexus ToS to make a mod that works for someone who is circumventing Steam.

Actually, you have that a bit backward. It is fine if a mod or utility works for someone who is not using a legal copy since there is often no way to prevent this. The part which is not allowed is where someone uploads a tool or tutorial specifically designed to circumvent copy protection. Steam itself is not copy protection, but rather Steam being needed to install the game and update is.


The fact that OBMM and NVSE both have internal steam checks, from what I understand is not because of some sort of imposition on using steam. Rather, this check exists SOLELY because the game does not work properly with these utilities unless that check is made and steam is present. This has been explained by the creators of these utilities several times but it keeps getting twisted by haters and those who aren't capable of reading.

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The fact that OBMM and NVSE both have internal steam checks, from what I understand is not because of some sort of imposition on using steam. Rather, this check exists SOLELY because the game does not work properly with these utilities unless that check is made and steam is present. This has been explained by the creators of these utilities several times but it keeps getting twisted by haters and those who aren't capable of reading.


Fine, then the problem is solved and no longer on the table, you would think. Though I fear that you guys make much of a just periphery problem with the result that the number of analphabetic pirates gets mushroomed, finally. How do I know? Eight years here and one knows when it is high time to ban a theme. No steam support (they have their own support sites) would be the order of the day. Especially pirates may ask their typical questions there. A steam forum is almost predestined to handle the Bootstrap Bill phenomenon...

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Yesterday after posting here, my game wouldn't load. I validated my steam files, it updated two; I successfully loaded the unmodded game, used Wrye Flash/Gary Bash to reload all mods in my last save, loaded it fine, and finally reloaded all mods, including the two I had just made, success, and enjoyed a rare several nice hours of gameplay for a change. Beats the heck out of a re-install if you ask me.
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Yesterday after posting here, my game wouldn't load. I validated my steam files, it updated two; I successfully loaded the unmodded game, used Wrye Flash/Gary Bash to reload all mods in my last save, loaded it fine, and finally reloaded all mods, including the two I had just made, success, and enjoyed a rare several nice hours of gameplay for a change. Beats the heck out of a re-install if you ask me.


Where I found it was very good was when I re-installed Windows, I left the Steam folder where it was on a separate drive and then when Windows was finished installing I just installed steam again into that directory and the games were still there ready to be played. A lot easier than going through disks reinstalling each and every game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies if this is that necro thing I read about elsewhere but thank you all for a very informative thread. I've not been so active here so reading this has cleared some stuff up for me.


Steam? Unplug - the - cable! I have 3 machines and 1 lan cable so I connect my games machine when I need to, and after I've set a system restore point. I don't plug the work machine into the net, ever.


Thanks again y'all.

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