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Is there a way to move a persistent reference object (door) in the game


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Hmm ... but if you solve all the sliding problems you won't have any need to relocate the door.


Isn't that always the way it happens.


- Edit - Something that occurred to me and I forgot to go back and edit a previous post. If you decide to do something about the critters that spawn nearby (the wolves and spriggans can be a pain in the butt when you're arriving late in the day) the safest thing to do is relocate the spawn point rather than delete it. Those conjurers down at Ceyatatar need something to keep them occupied ... I know, I'm a rather mean old bugger.

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The sheep sliding on slopes is a fairly well known issue. I've never been able to find any info that remedies it completely. Striker's suggestion to have them move around more is a pretty good one and seems to help make it less noticeable. I tend to give farm animals multiple wander packages and x markers so they spend more time moving around from point A to point B.


The door issue as you can see from Arthmoor's tutorial is rather tricky. I have used several of the techniques outlined there and thus far...knock on wood... have only had one report of a problem. Nirnroot of all things. Even those are persistent objects. In the end even doing this right glitches can still pop up. The "clean save or new game" comment is pretty much the only sure fire protection, and is something I include in my mod/patch descriptions.

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Alright, very good. Thanks for all the replies.


Guess what? The struck-through text procedure seems to work like a charm. Page 31 didn't look right for me and I found a page hitting the scroll lock that had the door coordinates but you really don't need the debug text if you know the location you want from the CS.


Now I have several good ideas to keep me busy for a while. I will look for some of your mods mhahn123 to see if I can figure out the multiple wander thing.


At one point I was starting to think a re-install wouldn't be too bad but then I remembered I also have the Vilja at Red Rose Manor mod and that would surely be dependent on Red Rose Manor so if I restarted the whole thing then Vilja would have to do her masterpiece painting all over again from scratch.

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LOL ... funny how Vilja rules our worlds, isn't it.


I'll leave the text struck through, as whether it works or not it really is just a kludge, dreamed up by the guy who digs the foundations and then backs in the cement truck.

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The kludge seems to be working perfectly. I moved six persistent references and can't find any problems. I now have a large back yard that is perfectly flat which solves the sliding animal problem for me. There's just a couple things I could add:


After moving the door with the console, the location where the cursor picks up the activation icon doesn't move. Fortunately, a save - quit to desktop - reload, puts that back in sync with the door. I think the inside doors that matched with the outside doors had this same problem and were fixed the same way which doesn't make sense to me but if it works hopefully I won't need to understand it.


I also had some strange problems like the chickens repeatedly dropping out of the sky and animals turning around in a circle and stuck at a spot. That turned out to be the path grid being out of whack with the new landscape which was easy to fix. While doing that I noticed there were a few external path grid nodes that were inside the house which is probably why Vilja sometimes passed through the wall and became stuck on the inside. That was easy to fix. The Blue Moon Cottage had this problem pretty bad so hopefully I have that fixed as well.


In the end, an iffy project from the start seems to be working better than expected and I learned a lot in the process so thanks again for all the good help. This is a great forum.


If I do find something is bugged with this I'll post back to let people know not to try this at home.

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OK, I'll unstrike the text and put a note to check your posts for further developments (if any). Thanks for the report (so it turns out the guy with the shovel and scruffy face figured something out ... who'da thunk??).

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(so it turns out the guy with the shovel and scruffy face figured something out ... who'da thunk??).

Me. Didn't you find unusual for me being so silent here (you knew I was prying, of course).


I knew Chambs was in good hands.



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OK, I'll unstrike the text and put a note to check your posts for further developments (if any). Thanks for the report (so it turns out the guy with the shovel and scruffy face figured something out ... who'da thunk??).

Oh, I would! That's why you're Striker, not UnStriker :smile:

This has been fascinating to follow -- man, I love it when people help and the people being helped keep coming back to report on whether the help worked for them!

I'll be watching out for more from you, chambcra!

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Yes Ike, I'd see you listed down at the bottom as a lurker.


UnStriker ... good one Bess. That hadn't even occurred to me when I said it. Actually I couldn't figure out how to unstrike, so I copy\pasted into Notepad (which has no clue about Striker's strikes) and then back again. I guess the shovel corps always looks for the fixes found under a layer or two of clay.

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This has been fascinating to follow -- man, I love it when people help and the people being helped keep coming back to report on whether the help worked for them!

Thanks Bess. I appreciate that. I figure it's the least I can do when people spend the time to type in lengthy help, especially when it works! I'm a happy camper now that I have the place fixed up so perfect. I can also speak for Lucy, Gloria, Hamlet, Bruse, Benjamin, Douglas, Bob, Chico, Groucho, Alice, Red Rose Josie, Red Rose Ruby, and the chickens who can all relax now and concentrate on eating the flowers and I can move on to other stuff. :smile:

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