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Imagine this...


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You have 2 days left to live. What would you do in order to leave your mark on the world you will be leaving soon? You have all the financial resources that you want, but just 2 days to actualy do something. By leaving your mark I mean something big, something that will remain in history forever. Do you think it's even posible? If so, what would you do? I can't imagine doing something that important in just 2 days and I picked 2 to avoid the so overused numbers such as 3, lol.
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I had something like that in mind to, but I don't realy think that will last over decades. It will impress a lot of people at first, but 2 generations later it will all be forgotten, if not sooner. Humans forget good deeds a lot more faster than they forget bad ones..... Does this give you some dark ideas? Mayby... well what ever goes, I guess. :unsure:


All I can find are bad ideas(as evil). Jeez and I thought that I'm a good person, but it looks like deep inside I'm more evil than I imagined. I could think of hundreds of ways to remain in history, all bad and I'm having a hard time finding at least one that's good. Damn wierd.... :wacko:

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With unlimited financial recourses I would:


1. Buy USA and introduce Socialism

2. Buy North Korea and introduce Capitalism and democrazy


THAT would put my name in the history books forever, lol :whistling:


No, bad joke.

I really do not believe that money alone can buy the fame. It depends on the scenary.

Before I got ill, was about to die, what kind of person was I?

If I was just the ordinary person who got handed a big money sack, no way. I would not be able to know (or find out in 2 days) who to contact when investing that money for someting to buy a place in the history books.

On the other hand if I allready was a buisness man and had a great network of friends and people in the financial sector, perhaps I would stand a chance.

I could not keep politics out of it. Where should I aim; famine, climate chages, overpopulation, aids, malari, etc, etc.

But as you can allready see, I would definetly aim at charity. Both for the good of the recipients, and my belief.

Oh, I forgot. I got unlimited cash. I aim at them all. I make a better world, I die happy, and will be remembered. :biggrin:

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I'd hand over all my fabulous wealth to the poor for nothing but a big statue of me in every capital city to deliver my frakkin' beauty (see below) to the posterity and to show that nasty Nefertiti gal the finger for good and all, what else?

http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!

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It is possible to still do great things in two days, all you have to do is set them in motion so they can occur after you're dead, You could just hire someone else to do them for you in your name.


If your wealth is fabulous you can't trust anybody anymore. Your're the only true rich day fly among driveling cockroaches, you know. Nah, it's much better for the big spender to end up as and eternal sculpture in the Louvre or perhaps in the Museum of London... as the most beautiful woman ever, devil-may-care.

http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!

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Open about 500 bank accounts around the world with randomly selected initial values and which are set to draw from a central account at an increment of 2 dollars a day. Establish a legal right for anyone to withdraw from any of those accounts provided that they can provide a correct password. Establish a dozen or so secured websites which will publicly display both the account numbers of those 500 accounts. Establish coding and systems which displays the password (a random 64 character hash) for one random account every day, and changing it as soon as 90% of the money is taken out. Establishing coding which allows quick transfer of funds away from that account, but which prevents viewing of exactly how much is in that account before withdraw, and blocking out anyone who attempts to withdraw more than what is in that account for 24 hours. Establishing coding which prevents anyone from making multiple withdraws to the same account within 1 month.


Basically, it's a free money machine for the world, except that people who try to withdraw too much will be locked out, and the systems used ensure that all money taken from those accounts will be fairly small amounts which are distributed around the world. As the system only loses 1000 or so dollars a day plus maintenance costs of the servers, the primary account would only need to be large enough to generate that much in interest and ad revenues so could be entirely self-sustainable. The result would initially be a game with the world where people flock to the site every day to try their hand at some free money, but as the amount related to any account begins to diminish, it will become a sort of aid to anyone who could use a little bit of extra money but isn't greedy about it. In relation to less wealthy countries where the daily wage is very low, it would take on further significance and help improve conditions locally. And, just because it's such a crazy idea, giving money away to anyone who needs or wants it, it would be bound to be remembered.

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Whoa guys, I'm realy ashamed that I could not come up with at least one good idea. With enough people like you around the world might actualy become a better place. Good for you. I am still thinking of something, so at least I can say I'm trying. I heard some realy interesting ideas from you guys, especialy the last one, wich is actualy quite smart and does require certain knowledge.


Anyway, I hope to hear more. :)





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