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Minor Npc Troubles


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Alright, I'm making a few npc to act as vendors, but I have some minor issues that while they arent game breaking are a bit frustrating.


1) I have an npc using two packages, a sandbox, and a sleep. The sandbox isn't set to any specific schedule, but the sleep is set to start at 20 and end after 8. I have it set for near linked reference and have linked a bed to her, but she seems to walk over to a different bed, sleep for a minute, get back up and wander back over to where she usually stands. How do I set it so she sleeps in the one bed for 8 hours starting at 10 pm.


2) I have another male npc. When I set his faction to boomer, I can no longer talk to him, he just does the generic boomer lines, is there anyway I can set him to the boomer faction and have him not become a generic, this is not very important as he just hangs out and is in a boomer suit, more of a curiosity.


3) Same boomer male, when I set his facial features in the geck and then load up the game, it just sets him to some generic childish look person, doesn't matter what race I set him too, as well, when I set him to african american he turns white when I go in game, though that might be due to my body replacer, not sure though.


4) lastly I want to edit an existing vendors inventory to expand it, but I don't want it conflict with other mods. I know you can do this via a script, but I know next to nothing of scripting, is there a way in NV to expand their stock without conflict and without using a script?

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Alright, I'm making a few npc to act as vendors, but I have some minor issues that while they arent game breaking are a bit frustrating.


3) Same boomer male, when I set his facial features in the geck and then load up the game, it just sets him to some generic childish look person, doesn't matter what race I set him too, as well, when I set him to african american he turns white when I go in game, though that might be due to my body replacer, not sure though.


4) lastly I want to edit an existing vendors inventory to expand it, but I don't want it conflict with other mods. I know you can do this via a script, but I know next to nothing of scripting, is there a way in NV to expand their stock without conflict and without using a script?


For #3, I ran into the same issue. I haven't tried this yet but I saw this solution in another thread. I'll try tonight and see if this works.


I saw a suggestion for this on the official forums:

In the .ini, set

bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles from 0 to 1.

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