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Horses in NV?


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That video was made some years ago when it wasn't still viable even for npcs.

Actually you can use that system for npcs, but still it doesnt' work for player.

What you see in that video is not viable in the game, it implies that you change the assets which are shared by every actor with hybrid assets horse+human. If would be viable only if you like a Mojave populated by centaurs (the mythological creature, not the mutants)

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So I did a crude model (demonstration purposes only, forgive the wildly akimbo legs), rigging all the leg meshes to the torso envelope. Just like the first person view in Illyisms's script/mods, you're not attached to the brahmin via a bone (like you would be with an obvlivion mount using the parent/actor node) so you don't move in sync with the brahmin's animations, unfortunately. The other problem is you can still turn the player and his legs will follow the same angle as the torso, so that can break immersion if your turning more than 45 degrees. But it does allow us to use normal animations without animating (deforming) the leg meshes, simulating a riding position for player or npc.


I think it's preferable to no 3rd person view, but I would certainly understand if some people consider it far too unpolished to play/release. A completely fake bottom half, that wasn't rigged to a bone or envelope at all (but rather the scene root) would take care of problem with the legs turning along with the torso. Although it's possible the (fake) lower and upper halves of the player could be occasionally seen to have a small separation when the script is slow to update a frame (or a few frames).


Syncing the player's movement (just bobbing up and down, as the mount trots) with the brahmins animations is tough, because they are aligned via script and the player isn't playing any movement animations. Perhaps the fake lower half could be rigged to a bone in the brahmin's skeleton and be part of the brahmin nif. Then the lower half (inanimate) will move with the brahmin, while the upper half of the player (the animated part) doesn't. If the meshes overlap and there's no separation it might not look too bad, and this might simulate actual riding to a *very small* extant. It's been ages since I rode (used to have an awesome quarter horse that was damn near Clydesdale size, coming in at 16 or 17 hands). But I do remember that your quads are your shock asorbers supported by teh stirrups, while your core sort of "floats", so maybe this is a bit analogous to that.


The other downside is each model (of any variation discussed above, including the actor/parent node) has to be made separately for every armor/outfit, a riding version, so to speak, of your threads. So obviously that's a lot of models, equal to all the full vanilla upperbody outfits/armors in the game.


Here is a (too long) vid of it;






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With the rideable motorcycle mod the lower body sitting position might look a bit more natural than the lower body position in the test vid but I'm not sure how that would work out.

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With the rideable motorcycle mod the lower body sitting position might look a bit more natural than the lower body position in the test vid but I'm not sure how that would work out.

Sure, no problem to adjust the riding position if there are others that look better. The one I did was just a quick hack job in blender, to test out the concept. If I do it, I'll probably end up looking at some pics of riders and using them as a reference. But the big problems are the ones mentioned above. I'll be wrestling with them before I start worrying about refining the models.

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