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Morrowind creation ideas


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:lol: whats up

I'm new and I thought about writing about idea anyone could use for game creation

like making an entire lord of the rings map with all the details, characters and all

or perhaps the continuation of the movie with new stuff regularly u know i make it this time next its someone else that way if we gang up we could have a fresh story

for every membre and we could make something pretty big since no one will do the same storyboard. If anyone reads this please reply



ps:Est Sularus Oth Mithas(my honor is my life in solamnic)


re ps:I'm a huge dragonlance fan got nearly all the originals in the original print

a smashing 134 rare books hihihi I even got the first forgotten realms in original

nice hein

ps: sorry im canadian it explain my dementia

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You don't need to explain your reason for dementia, as neither do I ;) Anyway, yes, the Middle-Earth mod is already in the works and is actually HIGHLY anticipated. But just because someone else is doing it, does mean you shouldn't try to do your own. But any idea worth making must be well thought out. If you have any other ideas you might like to try and make a mod of, I'd be glad to try and help.
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