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Massive PLayer Owned Safe Haven


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Hello everyone!!!


This mod will be for players who want a home were you don't miss anything! This is for people who wants to join some teams of elite fighters, and even command them! If you want a complete, massive player owned Safe Haven (Not a little cabin in the woods, not a house, not a castle...A Safe Haven!) this mod is for you!


The Safe Haven, situated in the montains, includes:


-A manor that you'll share with the Elders of the Safe Haven (After prouving your self worthy ;) ), in wich you'll find hot baths that heal you, a great display room with the usual display dummies and some cool new display furniture, a office were you can deposit money that will grow with time, and everything else a nice cosy house should have.


-A tower in wich you'll find a library with all and every book, a alchemy room with the well known ingredient sorter (Here is the link to the mod wich includes the sorter: http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/ArmoryLab;65241), a council chamber, and in the basement, a vampire lair with a vampirism altar and a cure vampirism altar, respawning blood bottles and fellow vampires, and some other nice things!


-An exterior garden with all plants, a stable in which you'll find your well earned horse (new race) and a forge to repair your armors.


-A hall of the guilds, from wich you can teleport in every guild of the map.


-4 completely unique and cool training grounds (Melee, ranging, magic and stealth)


-Barracks for your fellow Safe Haven mates. (and yourself befor you acquire the manor)


-Trainers for every single skill.


-Possibility to buy new weapons, armor, spells and other items.


-TONS of quest that will bring you to defend the safe haven, acquire new and powerful items, and make you go up in grades in the Safe Haven until you become it's all mighty commander.


And there are so many other things that I can't even remember it all!


PLEASE NOTE: We are now only at the Brain Storming fase of the project. We have not started to creat phisicly the mod. We are only polishing our idea to make it nice, complet and most of all, makeble.


If you want to help creating the mod, know more about it, or if your simply curious, pass by our thread on the File Front forum:


Here are the links


New thread: http://forums.filefront.com/showthread.php?t=274416


Old thread: http://forums.filefront.com/showthread.php?t=272270


Thanks for visiting!

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Question 1. Do you have any idea what exactly you're trying to do, and how to do it? If not, do that before trying to get people involved.


Question 2. Do you know how much work something like this would require? I'm not just talking about the dozens of scripts, countless areas, all the NPCs, and everything, but also keeping a team working, and being able to lead them toward a single goal. If you don't know EXACTLY what you're expecting others to accomplish, then don't ask them.


Question 3. What of this mod have you done, and plan to continue doing? If you can't even get a framework put together on your own, how can you expect to explain to others what they need to do? If you havn't already spent 20+ hours on this mod (not counting the time it takes to make posts, or play test) before even trying to get other people involved, chances are even if you get a few people interested, nothing will come of it. Afterall, they don't have a clear direction to go, or a mod from which to base their portion of the work. You'll find even combining the efforts of two people into a workable mod and that's just due to how the .esp files are setup.


Question 4. Isn't this kinda what a number of people have already started on, and completed the initial stages on? Isn't it really just another glorified house mod for those people who aren't happy with the 90+ other house mods that are already out there?


I know, how about doing something different, and more in league with your own capabilities. I'm not familiar with your work, but from the way you explained the idea I can tell that you aren't too experienced. To me this sounds pretty much like someone who decides that they want everything, but doesn't know how to get it done, so starts asking random people to join to make up for their own inability. Not to discourage you from trying to mod, but this is absolutely the wrong way to start. You really should have read this, what you ask breaks about every guide line.

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Question 1. Do you have any idea what exactly you're trying to do, and how to do it? If not, do that before trying to get people involved.


Question 2. Do you know how much work something like this would require? I'm not just talking about the dozens of scripts, countless areas, all the NPCs, and everything, but also keeping a team working, and being able to lead them toward a single goal. If you don't know EXACTLY what you're expecting others to accomplish, then don't ask them.


Question 3. What of this mod have you done, and plan to continue doing? If you can't even get a framework put together on your own, how can you expect to explain to others what they need to do? If you havn't already spent 20+ hours on this mod (not counting the time it takes to make posts, or play test) before even trying to get other people involved, chances are even if you get a few people interested, nothing will come of it. Afterall, they don't have a clear direction to go, or a mod from which to base their portion of the work. You'll find even combining the efforts of two people into a workable mod and that's just due to how the .esp files are setup.


Question 4. Isn't this kinda what a number of people have already started on, and completed the initial stages on? Isn't it really just another glorified house mod for those people who aren't happy with the 90+ other house mods that are already out there?


I know, how about doing something different, and more in league with your own capabilities. I'm not familiar with your work, but from the way you explained the idea I can tell that you aren't too experienced. To me this sounds pretty much like someone who decides that they want everything, but doesn't know how to get it done, so starts asking random people to join to make up for their own inability. Not to discourage you from trying to mod, but this is absolutely the wrong way to start. You really should have read this, what you ask breaks about every guide line.


Dear Vagrant0,


I would 1st want to say that your right, I'm new in the modding world. In fact, I've never even modded for Oblivion befor, and only did a litle personal mod for Morrowind. So yes, I'm unexperienced. So this basicly answers to your question "do you know what your doing and how to do it". All by my self and without any help, surely, there is nothing that would have get out from this.


Wich brings me to the conclusion that you didn't visit the link I've pasted in this thread. Or if so, you didn't read what was wrigten there.


-Dont tell me that it have been already done, cuz this "house mod", wich you'd known that its more than just a house mod if you had read the thread on the link, is designed to fit my own personal tastes. Sure there are lots of other mods in wich there are buildings, and npcs and wepons. But none aranged like I want them, in the style I like and etc. (If so, it would be a miracle! And I would dwld it right now!)


-Being a perfect noob in the modding world, I've asked modders to tell me wich things I've thought of were makeble, what was cool, what wasn't etc etc. I've ask them to help me devlop my idea to make it more complet.


-My ideas got the attention of 5 persons wich forms the actual team (moddellers, scripters, voice actors etc) who discused with me the makability of my ideas, and brought many others to implement it. We are now a team, in wich I only have desinging power. I'm pretty much an accesory in this. They'll do most of the work, based on what we'd all deside to do.


-We haven't started phisicly the project. We are still in desiging fase, polishing our ideas to make the mod nice, cool and playable. The idea, once small and unclear, begins to get big and almost touchable. I dont hope seeing the mod released in a week or two. I think we still have LOTS of work befor even thinking of releasing it.



I hope I cleared up your mind a litle on what this mod is. If your interested, and befor wrigting back, you should visit the link I've provided and look by your self what we're up to. Read it ALL if you realy want a clear idea, cuz if you just read the bigining, you'll see that it changed very much.


Here is the link again: http://forums.filefront.com//showthread.php?t=274416


I'll even give you a link of the 1st thread I,ve posted, in wich you hav the starting ideas: http://forums.filefront.com//showthread.php?t=272270



Thank you for you comment and critisism


lol...well I'm happy your tastes are close to mine! Now, you should read my reaply from the comment just over yours, and go look the links I,ve provided in my thread.

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Wait. You're not doing anything?




I read the my first dungeon tutorial and a few others, and designed and built the whole castle myself. In 1 month. I now have a small support team for scripting and textures, but I'm still doing 70% of the work myself.


I learned most of what I know now in 2 days of tutorials.


You can't get away with sitting on the sidelines and telling everyone else what to do, that's just lazy. Read a few tutorials. Do some work yourself, (and before you say it, design is NOT work) or your team may lose interest before it gets going.


Has any physical work been done at all yet?



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WarKirby, and to a lesser extent Vagrant0, can you try to work on the rule that if you have nothing positive to say it is best not to say anything. I have seen similar posts elsewhere. I agree wholeheartedly that people should not post 'I want this mod you must make it for me please' type threads without at least expecting the answer 'no'. But the fact that someone is doing a mod similar to others is neither surprising nor in any way detrimental to the modding community. Competition and choice are surely only good things for the rest of us and while we would prefer different things it is not up to us to choose what anyone else does.


Also WarKirby, if someone can get away with organising a team but doing nothing else to help physically create the mod, so what? Delegation and avoidance of accountability are what every shrewd businessman is well-practised at and every politician does their damnedest to achieve.


Under the circumstances it may not be so easy to hold the team together and we may suspect it will not progress as far as the organisers would like but who knows? It will depend upon the team.


You can say what you have said in a more obviously helpful way such as 'there are several mods done or in the pipeline that have many of these features, so I hope you will pay particular emphasis to the questing side which is bound to be original' or 'if you have little experience there are several helpful things to read' which you then list. And even 'experience of other groups leads us to be concerned that your hopes will not be realised unless you personally adopt a more hands-on approach'. Do you get the idea? Please at least make it look as if you want the guys to succeed.


Doom-sayers often turn out to be right but no one wants to hear them!

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Good luck! Looking forward to see your mod, though I doubt it'll be soon?



"TONS of quests" == Going to be part of it soon? They weren't in the last update, anyway :) Really, quests are the best feature of house-mods...

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General spelling and grammar edit (red), aesthetic corrections (dark red), as well as usage commentary (blue) and balance and detail commentary (green).

Hello everyone! Generally, only one '!' should be used.


This mod will be for players who want a home were you don't miss anything! This is for people who wants to join some elite teams of fighters, and even command them! If you want a complete, massive player owned Safe Haven (Not a little cabin in the woods, not a house, not a castle...A Safe Haven!) this mod is for you!


The Safe Haven, retreated in the montains, includes:

Some word other than retreated would be better, maybe sheltered, secluded, or situated.


-A manor that you'll share with the Elders of the Safe Haven, in wich you'll find hot baths that heal you, a great display room with the usual display dummies and some cool new display furniture, a office were you can deposit money that will grow with time, and everything else a good cozy (or cosy) house should have.


-A tower in wich you'll find a library with every book, a alchemy room with the well known ingredient sorter, a council chamber, and in the basement, a vampire lair with a vampirism altar and a cure vampirism altar, respawning blood bottles and fellow vampires, and some other nice things!

You should probably give a link to the sorter, as (I assume) you'll be using someone else's mod for it.

For the library, don't include quest books, and make non-skill versions of skillbooks. I woulld suggest that instead of respawning bottles, you include a vampire bartender (with more drinks than merely blood). An altar to Molag Bal (see below), with significantly difficult quests, would be more appropriate, although, if I understand the intended purpose correctly, a better alternative to the Vampirism altar would be a quest from one of the vampires in order to be 'gifted' with vampirism.


-An exterior garden with all plants, a stable in which you'll find your well earned horse (new race) and a forge to repair your armors.

Regarding the horse, please explain: is it a reskin, a new mesh, or what?

The horse should be purchasable, rather than free. For the forge, use a smith-shopkeeper with large numbers of hammers.


-A hall of the guilds, from wich you can teleport in every guild of the map.

Either have it teleport you to any city, or only to guilds in which you are a member. You may want to include an item that teleports you back. It should be one-use, and 1000 gold or so to recharge or buy a new one. Additionally, it shouldn't be able to teleport when hostiles are around.


-4 completely unique and cool training grounds (Melee, ranging, magic and stealth).

Will you use critters/undead/daedra to train on? For the stealth training area, I would suggest having patrolling guards, who you have to pass unseen either to get to an exit, or to recover a 'token' (some insignificant unique item).


-Barracks for your fellow Safe Haven mates.

Just a bunkroom, or areas for personal effects, armor/weapons, and such?


-Trainers for every single skill.

You should probably limit them to a certain number of training sessions per game, or perhaps one training session per skill rank, something I think Oblivion in general would have been better off if it had.


-Possibility to buy new weapons, armor, spells and other items.

New as in new meshes/textures, as in different stats/enchantments, or as in anything you buy can be considered 'new'?


-TONS of quest that will bring you to defend the safe haven, acquire new and powerful items, and make you go up in grades in the Safe Haven until you become it's almighty commander.


And there are so many other things that I can't even remember it all!


If you want to help creating the mod, know more about it, or if your simply curious, pass by our thread on the File Front forum:


Here are the links


New thread: http://forums.filefront.com/showthread.php?t=274416


Old thread: http://forums.filefront.com/showthread.php?t=272270


Come and leave us a comment! See first comment.


Thank you!



"From the Dunmeri Temple's doctrine, "Vampires of Vvardenfell, Volume II", states that The Daedric Prince Molag Bal is the father of Vampires. He spawned the first vampire upon the corpse of a defeated foe. On a side note, Galur Rithari, one of the Bouyant Armiger was cured from Vampirism by Molag Bal. It is recorded in his "Private Papers of Galur Rithari, Buoyant Armiger". Somehow, the Dunmeri Temple keeps this record from the world, with no clear reason." The Imperial Library, 'The Definitive Guide to Daedra;

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Hey there dear Abramul,


Thanks for correcting my post. As you can imagine, english ain't my language. I appreciate your gesture.


Thank you also for your ideas.


There just one thing I would like you to do thought, and every body that comments here: Go look at the links I provided befor posting! Many (actuly all) of you ask question that would be answer there, give ideas that are already in the mod etc etc.


I'll edit my post and include the "GO READ THESE LINK BEFOR POSTING ANY COMMENTS!" sentence, so it will be clear to everyone.


Thanks again for your usefull comments and critisim. Some people of this comunity does not have this kindness :)


Dear WarKirby,


1st designing IS a work. I've spent hours and hours righting and drawing what I'd like in my mod. I've asked people to help make it bether, and tell me if it can be done. And then help me do it cuz I suck. I do want to learn CS (Pass many hours a day playing around with it) but I dont want to wait so mcuh time befor starting the mod's construction. Since we actuly start building it, I'll probably know my way around quite well in CS. THIS MOD IS NOT BEHING MADE RIGHT NOW. We are actuly DESIGING IT. So no, I dont do anything, like every one else in the team, exept designing, wich we all work on toguetter. PLEAZ PLEAZ PLEA go read the threads I've provided a link to befor commenting here. You say sensles things that you'd know the answer r know it's inapropriate if you'd go.


Thank you.

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