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Papyrus Scripting Tutorial Series

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Hello everyone. I was inspired from the topics here in the Skyrim Mod Author section to start a video presentation tutorial series to teach Papyrus. The format I have been doing so far is PowerPoint presentation of the concepts, a live code section, and testing the coding segment.


I started off with an intro, Hello World (starting off early using Notepad++ as the scripting environment), and a variable segment. I split variables into 4 videos, starting with the basic types, variable manipulation, variable comparisons, and variable scope.


Here is the result so far for variables:

Skyrim Creation Kit Scripting Series: Papyrus Tutorials - Variables: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrN7sXqWQOBNdVMivGkGl0vKuM8lRNsDq


My current idea for series progression is to cover basics of events/functions, cover objects, provide a few videos after to pull together variables/events/functions/objects, cover design of simple and complex scripting systems, and have a few videos for example problems utilizing design.


Feedback is appreciated. Also if there are any special topic requests, I will do my best to work an episode in.


I will update this post when I finish the various segments or special requests. I also plan to upload the PowerPoints and PDFs once I finish the series.

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Ok, I am about to probably come off asinine but when has that ever stopped me.


I will preface this with the point that by far and above you clearly have a better grasp on this than I do, not even a question. The problem is is that while informative and knowledgeable as it is, I almost fell asleep after 8 minutes. This is why I literally get more messages about making more tutorial videos than I do almost anything else at the moment. The problem is for me I know I don't know s*** but I try and I probably give terrible information but it works sometimes. The difference is, your tutorials can be used by me, and others a bit more involved, because I will sit through them to learn a nugget of information or 50 that I don't know, or a 1000 I dont know


I mean look at this


This is TERRIBLE, I mean common I may have a over-inflated sense of ego but even I know that is meh and more meh. Yet people are sending me emails right and left wanting more, and I'm like .. f*** honey badger A: don't got time, and B: I'm giving them mediocre knowledge.


Take this as insulting as you want right here but it's more a fact. Most of the programmers I have met are extremely boring as hell and tend to all think exactly the same. Same with engineers. I actually went to college for mechanical engineering and trust me when I know on the scale of 1-100 on extroverted I landed around a 95 compared to to other engineers and seems the same with CS.


All that to say, Make it exciting, give it some life, show a example. I realize I am asking a lot for something free, but hell just today I learned that the mother f***ing - key brought up a batch window... ya, been modding for 3 years.. I am a idiot. I probably missed it in a tutorial video somewhere that made my brain commit seppuku.


So yes, some people will probably get informed on these, I know I will and bookmark it, but the vast majority of people will look at that, especially new people to modding, and run away screaming off cliffs. I tend to look at things a bit askew, comes from too much time in MMO's. You have to get the audience engaged and hold their attention. Now if your goal is to help more established mod authors etc, then by all means ignore the hell out of me, I will gladly sit through your videos as boring as they are because I can easily acknowledge that the person clearly knows more than me but I can learn etc and if anything the CK teaches patience or leads to suicide. But if you want to get it out there and help the masses, IDK liven it up, show examples, honestly I really don't know. I find the scripting to be exciting as all living hell, because I get to play god. I get to create. I get to see my dream and idea become reality and do cool s*** with it. I'm gonna name my next mod "The Darren Zoolander Mod for Kids Who Can't Program Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too"


I guess it's all a matter of perspective pretty much. I think the more people informed the better, but the biggest thing I get is that people ask for more from me because I am not boring, and I don't sound like a nasally 12 year old. You do not have a problem with the latter, but in my opinion you do the former. Chalk it down to laziness as well but ya :smile:



So douchy? Probably. Like I said, I appreciate it, will use it, but if you want to get it out there to the masses, you gotta liven it up a bit. Maybe few snorts of cocaine before the videos? Like I said I really don't know, learning it is boring as f***, using it is exciting and awesome. There has to be a even keel in-between if you can find it.


Good luck either way

Edited by Darren83
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Also look forward too how much ppl are gonna hate on me when I wake up in 6-8 hours..


Maybe this is why VA's run screaming?


But nah, not really trying to be offensive, teaching is damn boring to begin with, but you asked for feedback so bend over and open wide son! lol w/e keep on keeping on I say.

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I'm gonna name my next mod "The Darren Zoolander Mod for Kids Who Can't Program Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too"




I just fell of my chair.. :laugh:




Seriously though, the more tutorials the better. For although there are plenty that cover how to make a follower or armour, there are very few that cover scripting. Personally, I'm a numpty when it comes to advanced scripting.. people like me need all the help they can get.


Besides, Now we'll all be able to make fake plastic slooty followers that also have clever scripts!

Edited by skinnytecboy
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I haven't watched all of it yet, I do agree with the point I think darren is trying to make.


The tutorial is very informative (didn't know about modulus, might come in handy) and, more importantly, well structured.


The only real downside is the delivery. I get that it must be very basic stuff for you, but you come across as if you were really bored trying to teach someone about variables. I would not have pointed it out if you had not asked for feedback.


Anyways, the helpfulness overshadows that small negative. I will definately check out the other two parts.




Also, darren, listening to your tutorial I have to say I imagined you to be alot crazier, based on your writings.

Edited by BigBizkit
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I wasn't trying to sound bored :(. I will try to make future videos less dry/boring, although I tend to be boring vocally. I do have to say trying to teach the basics of variables/events/functions conceptually can be a little dry also (was pretty dry during my intro comp sci classes in my undergraduate software engineering program, which is where I got the delivery style inspiration). Hopefully once I get past the events/functions/objects it will also be more interesting.

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