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Crusoe mod


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There are several mods already that do this. Just ask the author for permission to incorporate it. You'll probably find them accommodating. Try searching for 'Survival Suite'


If you really want to make it yourself, I don't know the scripting commands, but I can give you the general concept.


You would set up a script to run permanently (a global script, i think its called) that would check for the amount of time passed since you last ate. If a long time has passed since then (a day or two) then a message should come up displaying something like ''you are hungry, find some food" (though perhaps elaborate on that)


Whenever the player eats, the timer would be reset. Ingredients which count as food (bread, cheese, meat etc.) have a 'food item' flag in the CS for the purposes of AI eating, so it should be easy to detect when the player eats something which is actually food.


If the player does not eat, a script effect would be activated which would cause the PC's stamina to gradually drain, becoming ever more severe until it changes into a small, but constant health drain. This would continue until the player eats, or dies.


Obviously, this explanation is of little use to you if you do not already have some idea of scripting.


What experience do you have?



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You will need to learn scripting for something like this. Unfortunately, although I have a decent understanding of scripting, my main problem is in memorising commands and formatting. So I will be able to help only in advisory capacity.




As an advisor, I advise you check out this and learn as much as you can









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You will need to learn scripting for something like this. Unfortunately, although I have a decent understanding of scripting, my main problem is in memorising commands and formatting. So I will be able to help only in advisory capacity.




As an advisor, I advise you check out this and learn as much as you can










Thanks I'll need that for the houses:D


And i've also made a freshwater spring in the middle of the forset

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Can I steal your idea?




And the cannibles will do a bit less than that maybe every second day And i'm planning making it so to escape the island you need to steal raft building materials from the cannibles


p.s I'm making the cannibles say I need you flesh or something similar


haha, "i need your flesh"? maybe "ooh, you look tasty". or "your a keeper"



any idea what the cannibals will look like?


im thinking, they are painted black, with red eyes.

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