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I'm New to this forum and this seems like the best place to put this but if im wrong im very sorry. can anyone make a mod for me that adds more food or ingredient to the game( ex. like cooked foods noodles or pizza stuff like that) It would be very appricated


Edit:After checking 3 times i coulding find anything :(

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It does, and I'll move it... but please don't make posts that are mostly informing people of rules/what should be where though, as that's forum vigilantism. Thanks.
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It does, and I'll move it... but please don't make posts that are mostly informing people of rules/what should be where though, as that's forum vigilantism. Thanks.


Sorry about that i justthough The modifcations thread was for poeple that uploaded mods so i didnt but it there. Also can anyone give me a link to the mod?

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A (cursory) search turned up nothing on TESSource except tweaks of existing ingredients. I did find reference to a Hunter Mod, by one Axebane, that. You might try following up on that. Additionally, you could try using NIFSkope to retexture existing meshes. For this, you'll also need TES4BSA to unpack the meshes.
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