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Useless Theories & Pointless Speculation on MW.


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Question: Why does an Alit have green gas coming from its mouth?

Answer: Because it suffers from Alitosis.


Ha Ha!


This is because they cannot digest the food properly - not enough time between consumption and egestion. The body doesn't have room for all that much in the way of entrails. So it has to be in one end and out of the other.


As for mating - perhaps they are reptilian and lay eggs. These may then be fertilised after being laid as opposed to during.

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Now that you mention it, Wesaynothin, there hardly ARE any herbivores. I wonder, is it possible to sustain an entire ecosystem on carnivores alone? The food pyramid relies on the numbers of herbivores to sustain the predators. Maybe the shalks are herbivores, too. And the netches?


Anyway, it seems that a lot of the Vvardenfell wildlife doesn't appear in-game. The Redoran "insect-like" houses must be imitating insects we don't get to see... (giant shalks??), for example. An ecosystem heavily reliant on insects and/or kwamas would be easier to sustain (i.e. larger bio-mass, more food)


I guess a magic volcanic island is bound to have some 'extravagant' creatures, anyway.


oh... and are the rats REALLY the only native mammals? can anyone think of another?

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Uh, Switch... Why did you delete my post on Corprus disease?

I didn't do it! :unsure:


Seriously, I didn't. Maybe one of the other mods did, either that or it's a glitch in the system. :P


Also, there are other non-hostiles, Netch Bulls and Betty Netch, as frasil pointed out.

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I have to agree on the discussion of whether the ecosystem on the island has sufficient carrying capacity. However, I would venture that not everything that attacks you is actually out to eat you. Take for example nix-hounds, which appear to be grazing before charging you. Mudcrabs also appear to be herbivores.

Herbivores will attack when you enter their territory, an excellent example would be the hippo. They can (and do) kill with a single bite and are EXTREMELY dangerous if you are on their turf.

I think we have to assume that insects, parasites, viruses (corprus) and other assorted biota do in fact exist on the island, though can you imagine the kind of work it would take to program mosquitoes and gnats and flies and worms and beetles and everything else into the game? And the what kind of processor and graphics card would you have to have?

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Also, there are other non-hostiles, Netch Bulls and Betty Netch, as frasil pointed out.
'Mating Netch' Quest? I know some animals get violent when mating, But I have never seen a flying animal attack someone. I would understand if they were guarding their eggs though.


As for Alits, I know there is a book abou them *forgot which*, that explained no one knew enough about them I think the ppl at Bethesda just put them in their for fun.

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Well things can still be herbivores but noncarniverious. Take Mud Crabs for example. They don't at all seem carniverous but just aggressive towards other species who invade their living space. Cliff racers, who knows what's up with them, they don't look like they should attack you, but then again the Pteridactlys in Jurassic Park III were rather aggressive, and they resemble cliff racers :P .


Alits do have eyes, they are just kinda hard to find and really close together, but they are there if you look hard enough (I don't know why you would want to).


One thing I have a hard time understanding is how Oblivion creatures are able to form on the island if they have to be channeled into existence. Remnant's of the past Daedra or simply summons of current cult worshippers?

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