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wep editing with geck question


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Hi guys! Simple question: i have a mod wich add a wep but doesnt put it in a location...how can i set a location for that wep or how can i set it useable for enemies (using the geck) ?


Once you've made your weapon (make sure it has a unque ID or it will replace all instances of the weapon you based it on)

you need to open a map and place it there, just drag it from the list into the 3d view







Here are a few locations you may wish to place it


Hiddenvalleybunker1 to 4 are the BoS Bunkers, find one of the two unused ones, they'll make a good and authentic looking stash location


Casinos - Look for the names, UL is ultraluxe and i think tops starts with "tops", though I'm not sure


unfortunately I've lost interest in what I was saying :unsure: , but search around for some interesting places. You could always make a cave or office building just for your weapon

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