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Should modders be allowed to earn money from their mods  

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  1. 1. allowed to earn money from their mods?

    • Yes
    • No

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Seriously - if your kids have to starve because their dad cant sell NV mods your family really got other issues...

I don't know why people think that I shouldn't be taken seriously, except that I am a big, fat liar.


You are welcome to your opinions. I welcome them. But all you are going to get for disrespecting me is the same in return.


I am challenging a whole system of doing things that keeps you down, do you really think that I consider YOUR opinion more important than Bethesda's? I'm not afraid of them, why should I care whether you take me seriously or not? But I would like to know your real name, just in case you send my son your resume some day. There will be a wastebasket waiting for it.


BTW, some people, like me, with 30 years training in hand to hand combat but look like useless old farts, take exception when a man starts insulting not only him but his family. I recommend that you rethink that approach to strangers.



Seriously - are you naiive or just playing that card? I think like 90% of all mature gamers here have to work for their life and make mods in their free time. If you came to the solution that instead of a normal work you could haul in some quick bucks with making mods you really should have read the EULA before buying the game. Also to give the coffin another nail - even if it was allowed to sell mods i have serious doubts you could feed your children for long from that income. I make some REAL money from sale of digital products and i really have something more of a niche and even there it's hard to even get out enough money to even consider spending the time.


Yeah challenge the system by making "wow how unfair" threads here - thats your damn right, you could even challenge god himself if you wish to, not keeping you. I just want to underline that from a realistic point of view you picked a bad place. EVERYONE here making mods releases these for free - or at least i missed the "premium" mods somehow. And people here downloading the mods, the 10.000 people that downloaded whatever you created - they come here with the expectation to download some fun addons for their game for free. And i doubt these "regulars" would run down your door for supporting "pay mods". Bethesda doesn't do that because they are plain evil - if you remember right part of their business model depends on selling "Big cool DLC mods" like "Broken Steel". I find it quite reasonable that they don't want some lucky knights to charge for stuff like they do. If Bethesda was your company would you act different? If you answer "Yes" you're probably a bad business man. I mean they release the GECK for free, without any BS like requiring Steam for GECK, registering at their website and whatever. I think it's quite fair that they demand you dont charge for mods. After all you did buy New vegas, not the GECK - it's a free giveaway and i think they made loads of people happy with that including me. It's a GAME not a "home business opportunity". Even if you are really that "one man show" that can do better than an army of professional game designers it doesn't mean Bethesda is "unfair", if they don't care about their business model they will be bankrupt rather sooner than later and they are really like the last game design company i wanna see disappear. Keep in mind that most of us simply enjoy the game and dont even think about "exploiting it for a way to make money" and i think it's not really unusual to ask for that attitude if you look at any retail game on sale. Basic rule: If you dont like the game or its EULA then simply refrain from buying it.


I am actually GLAD that my resume would land on your son's desk for two reasons - on the one side it means he's most probably old enough to survive on his own and not on his dads ability to sell mods. And yeah reason 2 is that I assume he is probably more reasonable.


Look you at least pretend you're a mature man but you at least didn't act like one. Just the "10.000 people downloaded my mod, if every one paid 5 bucks" calculation is HILLARIOUS. Seriously you may not listen but having like 0.1 % of these people PAY 5 dollar would be IMPRESSIVE. I'm not s***ing you here but as i mentioned i also sell digital products and through my website statistics i have a good overview of "people just grabbing free stuff vs People actually spending real money". I don't know your mod and i probably missed a lot - but you for sure did not really back up your point by deleting it, thats what i would expect from some arrogant schoolboy. If you really took 5 month of your life to make it you probably really liked the game (I assume Fallout 3 as NV aint 5 month old...) and you released it for free ebcause you intended to have many other people enjoy the game as much as you did. Why not just keep it like that? Keep in mind people come here for free mods and that's what they get here and they are happy. I doubt you can build up a large faction of people that will be like "Yeah everyone should have the right to charge for his stuff". I am also spending a considerable amount of time already on my mod - yeah for sure not 5 months, but already a few weekends and evenings. But i would never come to the idea of charging for it. It's simply not in the inventors intention and i accept that. But as people already pointed out - go ahead make a "free for all" mod without charging as a bait and cut out the important stuff, like make the main NPC say like "I would have another 10 missions but you must bribe BadPenney with a donation of 5 USD to make them for you" or something like that. Maybe you'd even make a few bucks out of it, but most probably you'd just attract teenagers around here posting like "OMG CRAP ITS ASKING TO PAY DONT DOWNLOAD".


If you really spent the 5 month on your mod with the expectation of getting rich then i fear we really can't help you. If you're really a pro at game design then get a job as a game designer or make your own game, i fear this will be more or less a dead end.



Oh and the sublimary threatening with the "i have 30 years of experience with hand-on-hand combat" didn't really underline your maturity although it does make you sound old. And it also wasn't really frightening. Yeah it prolly was meant to say like "i served in the army for 30 years" or whatever, but i did so as well - not for 30 years though and not really focused that much on unarmed combat. I really thought about posting my real name, but i have that bad feeling. I mean basically everyone could be some no-life psycho who kills you at night for an argument on an internet forum, but let's say i give you a +5 perk for the potential to be one. So sorry if i don't post my name but if you post your sons name imma promise that i'll never apply for a job with him.

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