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Trouble with cheat engine inventory editor


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I've used it to try and get more dragon crafting materials. At first it works, but if I save and reload, weird stuff happens. For example, last time I tried, it basically turned almost all my crafting materials into dragon bones, but still with it's old name. Am I doing something wrong? or is it just this finicky? It'd be nice to have a chest that had a bunch of crafting stuff in it, or a store that sold all the crafting materials in the game

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When you have changed the desired item in the Shop Manager (X at 'Change') you check if the name also changes above (also in the 'Shop Inventory Editor' two lines above 'Change').

From: DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Materials/Metal/recipe_material_Iron
To: DA3/Equipment/Crafting/Materials/Metal/recipe_material_dragon_bone

If the item changes both places you turn back to the game and close the shop window. Don't do anyhting else. Do not check if anything has changed at this point. Curiosity killed the cat. I have eperienced that it can fail if you try to check before closing the shop. Be patient.

Wait a few seconds and open the shop again. Go to 'Buy Back' and get your new desired item.

If this doesn't work you can try to by a few of your recently sold item back. Not all of them. You have to make sure all three scripts has registered the item.
1. Inventory Editor
2. Shop Inventory Editor
3. Infinite Shop Supply
I have done this with success.

My best advice is patience. Give Cheat Engine time to register both your actions and the games actions. It sometimes takes a while.


I forgot to mention that Patch 5 has caused some troubles for Cheat Engine in some ways. The file structure of the game has been altered.
I don't think its because they want to annoy those who use CE. It just changes due to modifications of the way the game works.

I play with Patch 2. The version where the 'duplicate item glitch' still works. I have the game files secured as a backup on a different drive.
GaiusMartius made a *.CT script that works perfect with patch 2.
I know it can be a little circumstancial to delete/overwrite the newer patches, but it isn't really that much work.
I use Patch 2 because all later updates accept previous savegames, but not the other way around. I fix my game with Patch 2, and if I feel like having 'Toggle Walk', a Party Chest or a mod I just update the game.

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